Chapter 15

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I woke up to the sound of Jasey Rae by All Time Low blasting through the room, I groaned and reached over to pick my phone up off of the table next to my side of the bed. I looked at the screen quickly and saw my brothers face and hit accept.

"What do you want Sean it's like 6 am this better be good." I heard him laughing on the other end of the phone.

"It's very guys have an hour until you have to leave for you trip...if you want enough time to get ready and eat the pancakes mom and Karen are making for you guys then you better get up now."

"Tell mom to make them chocolate chip we will be down soon...I just have to get his sorry ass out of bed..." I laughed

"Yea...god luck with that...hope u live long enough to eat your requested chocolate chip pancakes...that mate of yours doesn't seem like much of a morning person."

"Yea that's because he's not...but I have my ways he will be up and getting ready soon enough now stop making your stupid comments and let me get dressed! Love you bye Seanie"

"Okay love you to Vic good luck with him" I could hear the amusement in his voice as he hung up the phone.

I put my phone back on the charger and left it on the table I wanted to make sure I had a full battery when we left. I turned to look at Sebastian he was out cold...he looks so peaceful when he bad I'm gonna have to end it. I reached over n shook him

"SEBASTIAN WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!!" I yelled. all he did was groan and roll over before going back to sleep...okay so clearly I was going to need to do something a little more drastic to get him to wake up. I got up off the bed and broke out the fake tears...having an older brother made me the queen of fake crying. the second the first tear escaped my eyes he jumped up from the bed and ran over to me standing in front of me protectively. he looked around for a few seconds and when he didn't find any immediate danger he turned to look at me.

"What happened are you okay? Did some one hurt you? What happened? Why aren't you answering my questions?!?!?" He said freaking out. I couldn't help it I started laughing so hard I was crying for real. He looked at me like I was crazy. after a few second I collected my self and explainers what happened.

"We have to get up and get ready our mothers are making chocolate chip pancakes down stairs and we have to leave in a little under an wouldn't wake up and I knew that would get you up... I was right wasn't I?"

"Jesus Christ tor don't fucking do that anymore my god you scared the shit out of me I thought someone hurt you couldn't you think of anything better to do?!?"

"Well of course I could but nothing that would have gotten you out of bed that quickly"

"I swear to god your going to be the death of me" he chucked kissing my forehead and walking past me into the bathroom.

"Yup, but you love me anyway" I called to him laughing as I walked into the closet to pick out my clothes.

I searched throughy clothes for a few minutes before deciding on a black tank top with some black leggings and combat boots I grabbed Sebastian's black and red flannel putting it on as I walked out of the closet and back into the room. I sat on the bed to put my shoes on and just as I was finishing tying the last one Sebastian came out of the bathroom in his batman boxers drying his hair with a bright pink towel. I couldn't help but stare at his abs.

"Do you like what you see?" I could hear the smirk with out even looking up at his face.

"Eh I have seen better." I said looking up a his face I saw his blue grey eyes darken as he came closer to me. He smirked at me and said "oh really" before dipping his head down to the crook of my neck. his lips softly brushed up my neck and down in a teasing motion. I held in a moan biting my bottom lip, my eyes shutting involuntarily. He pressed his lips to my mark and I almost fell limp from the touch his scent was intoxicating. he continued trailing kisses along my jawline and back down to my mark. this time I couldn't stop myself from allowing a small moan to escape my lips. he pulled away with a triumphant smile on his face.

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