Chapter 3

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"I'm going to go with...yours Sebastian."

Noooooooooo he can't win this is going to be hell you know what no he's not going to win he's doing this to make me suffer and I'm not gonna let him see me in pain when my heat starts he won't be able to see any of the pain.

"What why!" I screamed

"Because while your drawing was far more beautiful his was just as much more technically sound so clearly he had to win"

"Fine" I grumbled putting my pencils away.

"Time to pay up babe" he chuckled walking over to stand next to me.

"Let's just get this over with alright" I mumbled moving my hair to the side.

"Wow babe love you to damn"

I just glared at him and trust me if looks could kill he would be ash on the floor by now.

He started kissing down my neck painfully slow searching for the spot he would mark me . I could feel sparks erupting from every spot his lips touched. he was taking his sweet ass time I know he knows damn well where my mark is going he's just trying to torture me. I turned around and looked up at him.

"babe I swear to god if you don't hurry the fuck up I'm going to have to" I smiled realizing that when he marked me I would have to mark him back or he would be in horrible pain. it feels something like rejection just less life threatening I'm gonna let him mark me but I'm not gonna mark him until he comes to me n ends the pain from my heat. " you know what babe take your time I'm over it" I smirked at him evilly

he looked at me like I was crazy and I guess I can see how it would look that way. one second I'm ready to bite his head off and the next I'm being totally chill about the situation but he doesn't know whats going on in my head just yet I have him blocked out. he leaned down and his lips went right to the spot where my mark would go he started kissing it and eventually I felt his canines elongate and scrap across my skin. I know what he's trying to do. He knows I'm mad at him so he's trying to get a response from me . I bite my lip trying so hard not to cave but I can't help it and a small moan escapes my lips. I hear him chuckle knowing he won and at this point everyone in the class is watching us. I feel him sink his teeth into my neck and I wince in pain. the pain only lasts a few seconds before it is replaced by a wave of pleasure. he pulls his teeth out and licks the wound. I turn around and look up at him he has a triumphant smile plastered on his face . wooooow he really thinks he won this one doesn't he oh well sorry baby but by you're about to learn to never fuck with me like that.

"hope you can handle the consequences Bastian" I smirked up at him just as the bell rang.

I ran out of the room and caught up with my sisters n our friends.

"you didn't mark him back did you tor" damian asked me

" nope that fucker is gunna make me suffer through my heat alone because he was pissed at me so he can suffer through this alone"

kris stopped and turned to look at me " ok 1: that is so totally fucked up of him and be deserves to suffer I don't care that he is my bestfriend and soon to be alpha you just don't do that to a person esspescially not to your mate no matter how pissed you are and 2: you do both realize that if you cling to your vcard for your entire heat that you will most likely die righ?"

"ok two things kris 1: thanks to ur asshat cousin over there I haven't been a virgin since the 8th grade 2: NO I DIDNT FUCKING NO THAT!!!!!!!! you know what if he won't deal with it I will find someone else who will I'm not going to die because he's got to prove his pathetic alpha domanince and I can think of t least 10 guys I met today that would happilly be a temporary replacement for him"


"chill your self out we were never a thing we just went to a party and got horribly drunk you know i drank a lot more back then esspecially after what happened so yea we got super drunk and things happened n I woke up naked next to damian its no big deal it happened its over now let's move on with our lives we surely have"

she opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by the sounds of sebastian screaming in pain I guess be it just took effect.

I smiled at my friends "told ya karmas a bitch. you guys ready ? we should really be getting to class I'm sure he will meet us there."

" yea let's go . its this way" kris smiled at me before leading us down a hallway to our next class we had math:( I HATE MATH! we walked in the class and took our seats n the teacher begain class about 10 minutes later sebastian came in and sat down next to me he pulled my desk closer to him and nuzzled his head into my neck taking in my sent I could feel him relax as be did it

" I'm sorry baby please just make it stop " he whined. I looked up into his eyes n I could see the pain and regret in them and it killed me knowing that it was my fault but then I remembered what his little plan was and I laughed

"maybe later babe you made the decision now you can deal with the consequensis for a little while longer by the way did you know I was going to die if you let me go through heat alone ?"

he looked at me with the most painstricken horrified expression. I guess that means no. oh well he does now.

he opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the teacher yelling at us to stop talking. for the rest lf the day he trked talking to me but I ignored him. I got home that afternoon and ran to my room locking myself inside knlwing that I didn't have much time left intill my heat would start. I told my sisters to explain to my mom what was going on so she wouldn't worry about me. I took some time to sit at my desk n get my homework done. a few hours later I finally finished all of my work . I looked out my window and saw that it was pitch black out so I got up and went to my bathroom n took a shower I came out of my bathroom and started walking over to my closet when someone opened it and walked out it was really dark in my room so I couldn't see their face but I could tell it was a guy. it must be Damian trying to scare me the jackass I guess he will never realise im never gunna be afriad of him no matter how hard he trys he's been doing this for years its getting old but its kinda one of our things so I don't mind.

" Damian I know its you stop being such a freak n pass my my pj's kk?" I laughed turning to walk to my bed

"sorry babe but its not damian"

"oh shit" I gasped backing away from the figure.


finally another chapter up so what do you guys think ?

I know I took a while to upload but I have been dealing with a bunch of crap . I didn't want you guys to have to wait to long though so I made sure to finish tn so I could upload.

so who do you think is in her room? do you think its sebastian or maybe its someone related to her past with her old pack . I guess we will just have to wait and see.

hopefully I will have the next chapter up in the next week or so n its gunna be a good one lol I might be putting in a little bit of sebastians pov in either this chapter or the next I haven't decided yet .


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