Chapter 23

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i called Kris down to the office and sat with Damian waiting for him to arrive after about 10 minutes Kris entered the office and took a seat across from me next to Damian.

" this better be good Victoria i was sleeping its fucking 6 in the morning! what could possibly be so damn important it couldn't wait until a human hour?"

"Sebastian was attacked last night" i said looking at him with a straight face. this information seemed to catch his attention because a look of show quickly spread across his face.

"oh my god is he okay?!? what happened? how did they get to him? do you know who it was?"

"okay Kris calm down i can only answer so many questions at once. yes hes going to be fine hes upstairs in our room resting i cleaned up his wounds and hes healing up very nicely he should be totally healed with in a day or two. the attack was by two members of my old pack who were trying to get to me through them."

"why would they be doing that? i thought you left your old pack on good terms with everyone there."

"well i left on good terms with most of my pack members at that time but not with my alpha who was my uncle Blake Petrova. its a really long story and its not a pretty one...i really hope im not making a mistake by telling you this Kris."

"you can trust me with anything Victoria. you are my best friends mate, my mates sister, my cousins best friend and you have become a close friend of mine as well i have far to many connections to you to ever do anything that would put you in danger or betray your trust."

i looked over at Damian who had come to stand next to me he grabbed my hand and squeezed it encouraging me to continue and tell my story to Kris. i sighed and squeezed his hand back before begining my story. once i was finally through Kris was fuming he was almost as bad as sebsatian was when i first told himits nit surprising that he had such an intense reaction most wolves feel an intense need to protect their alpha and luna and that need is intensified due to the fact that we are such good friends. after a few seconds he finally calmed down enough to ask me some follow up questions about the events of my story.

"okay so he knows where to look for you now...we need to add extra people to the patrols...Sebastian knows whats going on here right?"

"yes he knows everything although im not so sure he knows exactly what brought the attack on tonight i don't know if Seanie actually told him who Jacqueline and Justin where but he knows everything else about me and my past. patrols were just increased do we have enough warriors to add on to them?"

"yes we have plenty of warriors who aren't currently in the rotations although some of them are out for reasons like injuries or the birth of a pup but there are still plenty of warriors out of rotation that can be added...we have files on them i think they are over here." Kris got up and walked to a filing cabinet on the other side of the room he opened one of the drawers and pulled out several files bringing them over and laying them on the desk.

"these are the files on all of the warriors out of rotation at this time, we are going to have to go through them and pick who will be assigned to what based on need...there are a lot of files here i think we may need more help. i know you don't want to involve anyone else at this time but iwe need help would you be okay with calling someone else in?" kris asked.

" yea ill call sean hes already in this he was there during the attack after all...he was pretty messed up himself though, oh well im sure he will be okay enough to come help us he didnt seem to really be in much pain when i last saw him."

i decided to mind link my brother to see how he was feeling before i decided if i was going to add him or not.

V: hey seanie how are you feeling?

S: im fine whats up?

V:are you feeling up to coming down to the office to help out with something?

S:yea im fine im on my way

V:are you sure if your hurt and need to rest you really don't need to come

S:i'm fine i promise im already half healed don't worry about me im almost at the office.

V:okay thanks Seanie

a minute later Seanie was opening the door to the office i shut it behind him and locked it we all sat around the desk and i explained the situation to Sean he agreed to help us and we got to work. it took a few hours but eventually we had found enough people to add to the patrols and started making the groups to put into specific areas of the territory. once everyone was assigned to there different spots i left my beta and T-I-C along with my brother to gather the warriors and give their new assignments while i went upstairs to check on my mate. i was halfway down the hall to our room when i heard a loud bang come from the ground floor i mind linked Damian to see what was going on.

V:i swear to god i leave you idiots alone for five fucking seconds and your already causing trouble what the fuck is going on down there?

D: for once it wasn't our fault

V: yea somehow i don't believe that but okay...what happened?

D: we found Jac and her mate and some warriors brought them in and they started fighting.

V: not that im not happy you found them but why would you bring them in the house...have them taken to the pack prison i want them in silver chains and on opposite ends of the prison so they cant communicate in anyway...ill be down to deal with them as soon as i check on Sebastian.

i walked into our room and Sebastian was lying on the bed with the lights off i walked up to the bed and turned on the light on my side.

"hey baby are you awake?" i asked crawling into the bed and curling up next to him. je rolled over and wrapped his arm around me.

"yea i am now, whats up is something wrong?" he asked.

"um well you see im not so sure how much you really heard of the causes of your attack but we have caught the people who are responsible for your injuries and i have them being held in the pack prision with zero contact."

"have you identified them and found their cause for attack?" he asked

"i didn't need to i already knew why they where here. their names are Jacqueline and Justin they are mates and members of my uncles pack...Jac used to be one of my closest friends she was Madison's sister. she was here tracking me down to try and bring me in to my uncle. its all my fault that you got hurt and i am so sorry baby im gonna go down to the pack prison and deal with them right now okay"

i leaned up and kissed him before getting up out of the bed just as im about to walk away he reached out and grabbed my wrist pulling back down next to him on the bed.

"this is not your fault you didn't tell them to come here and attack me its not your fault that you uncle is a psycho"


okay i know this chapter is cut off in a kinda weird place but im in the hospital right now waiting to have surgery and the iv's in my arm are making it kinda a bitch to type so i promise i will have a better chapter done once i am out of recovery.✌🏻️💙🍪

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