chapter 5

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"i wasn't trying to sneak him out i just didn't have the time for you to sit there and question him I'm about to go into heat and he really couldn't be here when it happened."

"is he your mate?"

"yea he is."

"well then why cant he be here? he should be here for you if your about to go into heat."

" he cant be here for a couple of reasons the first is that I'm pissed as hell at him and if hes around when i go into heat I'm not going to be able to stop sapphire from coming out and jumping him, the second is that all three of you are home so yea... not gonna happen."

"OK well i guess the latter is a good excuse but the former however is not because you need to get over your anger if only long enough to mate with him because if you don't you will die."

"i know that mom but at least for tonight I'm to pissed to give a flying fuck about it"

"i cant imagine that in one day he could have possibly done something that got you this pissed"

i looked at my sisters and laughed. she has never actually met our lovely alpha so she doesn't know just how much of an ass-hat he is but they do . the three of us laugh at her and she glares at us.

" mom i don't know if you really saw his face but my mate is our alpha well.. our soon to be alpha hes still got a few weeks till its official but its the same thing, i know you know his father and if he is anything like his son then you should know that it is totally possible ."

she took a second to think about it and i guess she was thinking about her past experiences with his father after a few seconds she turned to look at me and said.

"what did he do"

i told her about everything that happened today because apparently all my sisters told her was that i had a bad day and that i found my mate which is like the understatement of the century. by the time i was finished telling her about the events of the day she was sitting there staring at me with her mouth hanging open.

" that bastard! your not going to school tomorrow if he wants to see you hes going to have to come here and get through me i don't want you to tell him your not coming in i just want him to go there and not find you i know hes probably going to have a mini melt down but it will get him to come here for sure."

OK she has finally lost her motherfucking mind she wants me to purposely piss off my ALPHA mate its like she wants me to die . its one thing to piss off you mate like this but its like a million times worse if hes an alpha.

"alright mother but when he comes in here full on psycho alpha mode its all you because this was your idea so you can put up with his crap."

"whatever ill fight with him but you have to be here to keep him calm otherwise we will have a huge problem."

'fine but after we go through with your stupid plan the three of you better get the fuck out of the house for the night OK?"

they all nodded yes and we said goodnight, i went back up to my room. i looked down and realized that I'm still just in my robe and went into my closet. i pulled out some blue Nike pros and my Kyle okposo islanders jersey and got into bed. i grabbed my phone off the little table next to my bed and saw i had a missed text from Sebastian.

BASTIAN😍😍:hey baby has it hit yet ?

VICTORIA:hey babe , thankfully no it hasn't I'm going to bed because i know once it does hit I'm not gonna get much sleep. ill see you in school tomorrow.

The alphas mate (book one)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora