♛𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫♛

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I sulked into my dorm room, flinging my bag lazily onto the floor as I threw myself onto my bed. Today had been a very...interesting day. I have to admit, despite my reluctance I actually had a good day.

Besides the detention of course.

The detention...

I glanced at my phone squinting, only to realise I have about an hour until my detention starts.

After about ten minutes I finally managed to actually get off my bed -I won't apologise for being lazy- and decided to go for a walk. I quickly applied some more lipgloss and mascara and fixed my hair before making my way to the door.

And that's when I saw a little white envelope on the floor.

I frowned, wondering who this could possibly be from and cautiously picked it up. The paper was expensive and smooth, with gold etching the corners with the school logo in the centre.

Who's this from? Am I being kicked out the school already on my first day? Am I in more trouble for getting a detention?

Sweating slightly, I reluctantly yet eagerly opened the letter. The more I read, the more my hands shook and the more my eyes started to water.

I was not expecting that.

More desperate to go on a walk than I have ever been, I grabbed a jacked and practically bolted from my room.


I stood outside the gymnasium, the letter still clutched in my hand.

Still shaking slightly, I scanned over the neat cursive again to make sure I was in the right place. It turns out the principle had sent me this, with directions to the gymnasium.

He didn't say anything else apart from: "I'm sure you will figure out the rest."

Inside the bottom of the envelope was a key. A key to which I presume unlocks the gym doors. He stated in the letter that I have access to the gym whenever I please. Weird right?

After fumbling with the key for five minutes, I finally opened the door and slipped inside.

Automatic lights blinded me as they, one by one, turned on, lighting up a huge room. The first thing I noticed was the huge ice rink in the centre with hockey sticks leaving against the wall beside it.
To the left, stood doors with signs pointing to the sports hall, gym and pool.
To the right stood changing rooms, a cafe and locker rooms.

Bleachers rose to the ceiling around the ice rink.


Why did the Principle give me a key to this? He probably got the wrong person, I thought to myself as I wondered over to the ice rink and leant against the small wall surrounding it.

I let out a heavy sign, staring at the now crumpled letter in my hands as if the answer would suddenly come to me, but of course, it didn't.

My heart rate finally went back to normal as I realised there's nothing here. I'll ask him what he meant in the letter the next time I see him, I decided.

Suddenly, double doors swung open, causing my heart rate -again *que eye roll*- to nearly jump out of my chest. My eyes started to the doors as four shadows emerged.

Oh no. This is not good.
This is not good.
This is not good.

I repeated the words over in my head, frantically trying to find a way out.

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 | ♛Where stories live. Discover now