Chapter # 7

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Y/n was currently hiding on the staircase near the living-room listening to Clark's and Bruce's talk. Bruce told Alfed to put her to bed, but obviously she wanted to listen to what Clark and Bruce were planning on doing with her.

"Bruce, I'm taking Y/n back home with me. You were right, I was overreacting, I'm going to get her a doctor and just keep her home till her memory resurfaces." Clark said, "Maybe take her to Kansas for a vacation."

Clark turns towards the staircases that Y/n was hiding on but stop by Bruce's speaking.

"Clark, as you know, I have some of the most advance technology in the world, yet I still can't seem to find anything medically wrong with Y/n. No injuries to her head, tumors, or illnesses that could have caused the memory loss. I'm starting to this has something to do with her psyche."

 Clark glared at Bruce, already guessing at what Bruce was suggesting.

"Maybe, something happened while she was with you, something that was so tremendously bad, that she is now push back her memories subconsciously." Bruce finished, looking at Clark who was death glaring him.

"What the hell are you implying, Bruce."

"I don't know what you mean, Clark."

Y/n listened for anyone to make the next move. She knows what caused the memory loss (Are you sure?) so this whole argument isn't something she cares about; all she needed was to know if she was staying or going.

Y/n started to get a bit antsy when she saw Clark storming his way upstairs to her room. Which Y/n had run too so that she didn't get caught eavesdropping.


When Y/n got to her room she laid down and pretended to sleep. A few seconds after Clark had entered her room. He looked around until he spotted the suitcase next to her closet, he went over and started to put her belongings in it.

After Clark finished, he went over to Y/n and gently picked her up, being careful not to 'wake' her. He held her in one arm and grabbed the suitcase with the other, then he stared to leave.

Deciding to stop 'sleeping' Y/n looked at him and spoke, "Kent... where are we going?" She asked. Y/n already got the idea to where she was going, but she didn't want to to leave. Y/n still hasn't found a solution to her problem, plus, the batfamily was starting to grow on her.

"It's dad, not Kent, Y/n." Was all Clark said. He rushed downstairs and walked towards the exits, Bruce saw him then noticed you, he glared at Clark, going to intercept him, but Clark just pushed him aside.

"Clark, put her down and let's talk about this! Her condition could get worse!" Clark ignored him and walked out the door to his car, Bruce hot on his tail.

"I don't need a man who puts his children through hell and back to lecture me or tell me how to parent my kid Bruce." Clark and put you in the car with the suit case. Then he got in himself and started the car.

"How about you start focusing on how not to kill you own kids before you start worrying about mine"


"Jon can't wait to see you again Y/n. He and your mom have been so worried about you." Clark smiled, you on the other hand panicking.

     1. Clark took you from one of the only place you could get help

     2. Clark from the comics would never say those thing to Bruce

     #. T## l##e sca## i# ove# 5#%

"Y/n. It's rude to ignore someone who is talking to you." You stayed quiet, not sure what to say. The atmosphere was slightly suffocating.

"I knew letting you stay with him was a mistake. You are your bubbly self, you're quiet, you have yet to call me dad, and you don't seem the least bit excited when I talked about home." Clark frowned and looked at you through the mirror. You refused to meet his gaze, trying to think of ways to escape this awkward conversation.

You notice that you and Clark were almost to the apartment, having just entered the city.

"We'll talk in the morning. Your just tired I bet."






Bruce: 50%

Just you wait, Clark.

Clark: 54%

Did you think it was him?

####: 56%

Y/n. I know.

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