Chapter # 17

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"Trust me." Bruce said.

"You need to get some good rest, Y/n. Just relax..." he mumbles, the faintest motion of rocking beginning. Your mind hazed, you allow yourself to slump back into his arms. The rocking motion slowly, but surely, making you drift off.

You couldn't even remember why you were so angry. You try to think back to... to...

The more you try to think back to what made you feel so angry and betrayed, the more the haze seem to thicken. You feel like you should remember but... if you forgot so easily was it really that important?

"Good, you're finally calming down..." You hear a mumble above you. "That means your medicine has fully kicked in." you look up at Bruce, confused. To you, his sentences just sounded like a bunch of gibberish, you would laugh if you could. But you understood a few things he said.

"Medicine?" You question. Bruce looks down at you and chuckles. You may not have noticed, but you were slurring your words. "Yes Y/n, Medicine." He confirms. Still confused you go on. 


He just smiles. "Because you're sick," he picks you up and places you on the bed. "You're very, very sick Y/n. You're sick and I'm here to fix you, I'll help you get better, but you need to keep taking medicine for the rest of the week." 

Bruce moves to sit at the edge of your bed, still looking at you while talking. "After about a week, the medicine that will cure you entirely will be finished." His (T#ist## Gr##n) soft smile grows, he stands up and walks over to you.

"Don't worry Y/n. It'll be all better soon." He leans down and kisses your forehead. "Dad will make you better."


"The medication is working." Bruce tells everyone as he walks downstairs. The room visibly relaxes once he says that it meant they could move on to phase 2.

The Cure.

Dick smiles widely, happy that the plan can move on without any more bumps. "I can't believe Scarecrow's ''Medication'' actually worked." He sighs out. "I'm so glad I snatched it after the fight with him." Everyone nods in agreement. 

Jason moves from the wall he was leaning on, moving to go to the kitchen, "Let's hope he doesn't trace it back to us." He says before going into the kitchen. (Foreshadowing?)

Damine, impatiently, rushes up to his father. "Will we be able to visit Y/n?" He asks. Dick and Tim look at Bruce, also wondering what his answer would be.

Bruce just smiles, "After her second dose of the medication today, I will allow her to wonder the mansion, with supervision of course. The rounds will go Damien, Tim, Dick, myself and Jason. Each round will last about three hours each." He pauses, "This will include making Y/n take her medication at the end of each round."  Content with the answer Damien goes and sits down.

Dick then speaks up. "One more thing..." He starts out.

"What about our Superman problem?"


The door to your room opens quietly as Bruce enters. He was holding two pills and a glass of water.

Once he reaches your bed, he places the pills and water on your dresser before softly shaking you awake. "Y/n..." He says quietly, as if trying not to startle you. "Y/n it's time to take you medicine." He smiles as you slowly wake up.

Bruce helps you shift into an upright position before grabbing the pills and water.

"This is the medicine I was talking about earlier Y/n," He says softly, "I'm going to help you take them." You don't protest, your mind to mush to think about the consequences of his actions. 

"Open your mouth please," He ordered, you comply. He places the pill in your mouth before handing you the cup of water. "Dink this and swallow your pill." You do as he says, taking a gulp of water feeling the pill go down your throat.

Then he repeats the process.

"Good girl," he says, petting your hair. "You did that without any complaints, you should get a reward." He picks you up and walks out of the room. "It's time for you to see the rest of your family."

He walks downstairs and into the main room. There everyone was sitting patiently for your arrival.

Dick smiles at the arrival, "Was she good?" He asks Bruce, who in return smiles and nods. "Yes, the medication is helping more that I could have ever imagined."  He speaks. Damien stands and walks towards Bruce.

"You said I go first." 

Bruce nods, carefully setting you down, making sure you could stand by yourself before letting go. You were a bit wobblily but with Damiens help you were able to stand. 

Once he was sure that you couldn't fall, Damien leads you out of the room to begin the three hours of supervision.


"'The Cure' will be finished seven days." Tim confirms looking at the partially built machine in front of him and Bruce. "We only need to wait a week before the finish product." Bruce nods satisfied.

 "Good," he says. "Justice Leage problem is currently being solve at this moment." Bruce tells Tim. "I've found a way to come-into an agreement with Clark since we both want similar things. Plus, he needs my machinery to monitor Y/n after 'The Cure' is used." Bruce pauses. "Just in case she somehow finds a way to fight any effect of 'The Cure' after the process."

A twisted grin grows on Bruce's face.

"Looks like I won the game, right Y/n?"


I told you I would win

Since chapter one

And now look at you

Completely at my mercy

Bruce: 80%

I've won

Dick: 80%

'The Cure' is almost done.

Tim: 78%

Why do I have to be third?

Damien: 56%

I won't let him win.

Jason: 78%

That little demon is up to something

Scarecrow: 1%

How dare they waste my drugs >:(

To be continued...

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