Chapter # 14

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Get ready for some... FILLER CHAPTERS!! Yay! These chapters are still relevant to the plot so don't skip. Plus, I can't have constant action in this, I need some character development.

:) Also, A fanfic gets boring if it's just constant action with no real plot. This story will have some interesting turns soon so be ready...


It's been a week since the Music Meister's attack, and things were surprisingly peaceful. Jason was constantly getting bullied by you and Tim for falling under the Meister's spells. Daimien was, well... Damien. Starfire was a regular visitor now, and she was just as kind and fun as you thought she would be.

It was nice, the only strange thing is Dick and Bruce. They've been a bit off this past week, or at least since they announced a machine to recover any lost memories that you lost. Dick has been awfully silent, but overly touchy. Constant hugs, head pats, and sometimes picking you up and holding you like a child.

And Bruce has been extra weird. He mumbles to himself more often, and when you talk to him, he brings up the topic of adopting you into the family if you can't get home. He also refuses to let you in on the machine he's working on.

This raised some instant red-flags. But for the sake of your mental health, you decided to ignore it.


"Hey Daimien!" You run up to the older boy, making him roll his eyes and back away. It was a little bit after lunch. Tim was at school, Jason went out to do gods know what, and Dick was with Bruce in the basmen- I mean Bat Cave. So, your only pass time was to annoy Damien.

"Why aren't you at school?" You ask him, he ignores you and tries to walk away. You obviously don't let him, only annoying him further. "What do you want dollar store Doctor Who." You take a moment to prosses that insult. 

"Wait a god damn second-" Damien give you a disinterested look. "Number one, why Doctor who, Me and they guy have nothing in common. Number two! You have Doctor Who in this world?" You give him a questioning look.

"Number one," Damien starts off, mocking your voice. "Doctor Who is a popular character, known for being able to reincarnate himself (herself) with his memories intact. Much like you have done. Number two, yes. Yes, we do."

While you take in the fact that the DC world might have some parallels to your world Damien escapes and goes down to the Bat Cave.

"Holy shit! Do you guys have Marvel- and he's gone." You look around to see that your completely alone now. "What the hell am I supposed to do know!?"

You strode through the mansion, looking for something to do, or someone to bother. Ultimately finding nothing. You figured rich people would have something interesting, but they don't. If you weren't as patient and "smart" as you where, you would've left the mansion to find something to do.

Of course, that would be idiotic considering you were located in Gotham, and you had the Justice League after you. You would either be kidnapped by a villain and or creep or killed. Neither of which seemed really appealing.

You decide to look for Alfred, maybe he'll have something for you to do.

Heading to the kitchen, you could smell the beautiful aroma of Alfred's home cooked food. He must be making something big for dinner if he was cooking this early. It was only 2:00pm, and you learned that this family prefers to eat at 6:30-7:00pm, which you devastated to learn.

You walk into the kitchen and find Alfred adding some ingredients to a soup, while also keeping watch of the ham that was cook. One part of the counter held ingredient for some very fancy looking baked potatoes. There was also a salad bowl ready to be prepared, there was lobsters on a plate, ready to be cooked once Alfred was done with his current task. 

Now that you got the chance, you noticed just how big this kitchen was. Also, just how godly Alfred was, cause dear gods, how was one man able to cook an entire meal like this by himself. So, you deiced to leave Alfred alone, not wanting to ruin his focus on the food.

"God damn rich people..." You mumble, think back to your life in the apartment. The days of good old, canned ravioli, ramen packets, and cheap spaghetti, with the occasion of steak or Walmart roastery chicken. 

You weren't poor, per say, you just lacked the money for good things.


It was 4:00pm, Tim came back from school, and had finished his homework. Dick and Bruce were out of the Batcave, not really doing much, but still out of the Batcave. 

Jason broke in again, claiming to be in the mood for Alfreds food, but you think he was just too stubborn to admit that you were growing on him. 

Daimien, surprisingly, came out of his hiding spot. He refused to talk with you, but also didn't glare at you when you tried to spark conversation.

"I just want to know what other possible parallels are in this world, like... what if this world has Lego Monke Kid?" Damien ignores you still. So, you decide to just give up. "Fine, I'll go find someone more fun to bother." With that, you walk away to find Jason.


Look at you.

Running from character to character.

Looking for anyone to save you from your own Choice.

"Anyone! Anything!  Something here will save me from M's deal"

Why would you think that Y/n?

That My Game Could be beaten so easily? 

Do you even have any Idea what your purpose in this game is?

The ONLY reason I'm allowing you to play this game is quite simple.

It's because I wanna watch you for every moment your powerless to stop them

I wanna see you made Humbled.

You think I would just let you "break" my game without any consciences?


Ooh Y/n

This is not a Thriller nor is this an Adventure.

This is a Tragedy

You want to control this games rules; that's fine

But I'm going to destroy you first.

Bruce: 55% 

It's almost finished

Jason: 45%

You're okay in his books

Dick: 55%

It's for your own good

Tim: 50%

What are Dick and Bruce doing?


Should I tell her what they're planning? 

 (A/n: If anyone noticed, M's part was inspired by the Narrator from Stanley Parable, this is a bit of a hint to what M is. Also, M is not a hint to the name, M stands for Mystery, The only person who knows who M is, is you 

Too bad your forgot.)

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