Chapter # 8

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Y/n is so dead set on leaving to go back to her world that she never considered that she might be dead, that she might not be able to leave. And because of her denial, their grips around her will only tighten


You had finally arrived at your new 'home', sadly for your new family, you already had an escape plan.


Clark had left you alone in your room, telling you to go to sleep. Obviously, you didn't. You listened as Clark and Lois talked about you, how they were planning on taking time off of work you visit 'your' grandparents in Clarks old home.

You had stopped listening and started planning. You need to find a way to leave, if they take you on the weeks long vacation, you will never get back to your world. So, you need to find the closest rich man with a supercomputer and isn't a man who has risked everything to kill superman. 

So, Lex was a no-go.

"Time to super-sneak my way out of here." You whisper to yourself. Grabbing a bag, you put some cloths and basic hygiene needs in the bag, then you carefully sneak to the kitchen to get some food. After that you go to Clark's wallet and take his debt card, just so you can get a ride back to Gotham. 

(Why, why his money Y/n ;n;)

You pack the tracker / walkie talkie, which you had smuggled before Clark took you it only worked within city limits. Then you look around for something to defend yourself with, a knife might work but you want something more reinsuring. So, you grab the knife then you to Lois's purse, you take her tazer and pepper-spray.

Now, you were ready to leave. 

(I feel like I were to run away, these would be the things I would want. Except for the fact that they could track a debts card payment.)

You quietly start heading towards your freedom, that is until you hear a bark behind you. You turn to see Krypto. Of fucking course. You forgot about the super dog. He started to bark wildly, catching the attention of Clark and Lois. 

You would have ran, but your room was a crossed the apartment and Krypto seemed liked he had no intention on letting you leave.

Hearing footsteps, you look up to see Clark looking at you with a shocked and angry expression.

Oh man, you fucked up.


"I can't believe you would do something like this." Clark was angry. Lois was too, Jon, who had just woken up, just seemed shocked.

"We are your Family Y/n. All we want is to help you. But this... this is something that you need to learn from." His face became blank as he spoke. "Y/n, you need to learn not to hurt this family."

"So, what do you suggest your punishment should be."


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