Chapter # 16

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Sorry for a late update, School and all.

But I wanna say thanks to everyone, I checked my story ratings and is says I'm ranked number 1 in Platonic Yandere!! 

This means so much to me! I know it won't say that way but just to know that it happened makes me so happy



"Goodmorning kiddo, how'd you sleep?"

You glare at the man sitting at the edge of the bed you were in. Bruce just sighed in response, "Y/n... I know-" He start but you cut him off. "No! No, I clearly don't know! You were supposed to take me home!" You yell at him, but he just gives you a scolding look, one you would give a child that was just stealing cookies from a cookie jar.

"Y/n, I would advise you keep an open mind about your situation." You could feel your anger rising. "I'm doing what's best for you. We all are. Me, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damien. We're only doing this to help you." 

You decide you've heard enough; you fling off the covers standing up, Bruce stood up as well, reaching to put a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, get back in bed." You rip yourself out of his grip and stagger towards the door. 

But you didn't even make it a crossed the room before the door slams open and the rest of the batfamily files in, excluding Alfred, making you stop in your tracks.

"Your awake!" You hear Dick exclaim as he rushes over to you, hugging you tightly when he reached you. You squirm in Dick's arms, feeling nauseas.  "Boy, please give you sister some room." You hear Bruce say, Dick pouts a bit before releasing you.

 "As I was trying to say, Y/n please go lay down." You could tell Bruce was annoyed by the sudden break in. "I wanted to calmly explain what's happening before letting the boys disturbed you." You pause debating whether to listen to him or ignore him and try to make a run for it.

Deciding you had nothing left to lose you make a break for the door that was left open. "Wha- Hey!" You heard Jason yell as you pushed him out of the way to get to the door, but of course you don't make it.

Jason grabs the back of your shirt collar and yanks you back, practically choking you in the prosses.

"Ow! Let me go!" You scream at Jason, but he obviously doesn't listen, he just drags you all the way back to the bed and shove you on it. "Nice try punk, but it won't be that easy." He says, annoyed.

Bruce sighs, pinching his face, "I knew this would be a lot, how about we finish our conversation after you calm down." He stands up and ushers the boys out of the room, "I left your breakfast on your dresser, figured you'd be hungry" Bruce says before leaving the room, locking the door behind him.

You waited till you heard their footsteps faded before getting off the bed and looking around. The room was pretty much the same as before, only difference was that this room was designed more for a little girl.

The bed was a pastel purple, the curtains on the windows were a baby pink. There were stuffed animals everywhere, and a few other girly toys. 

"I think I'm going to throw up." You mumble to yourself.

You take a look at the dresser and see the food Bruce was talking about. Sighing, you take the plate down and start eating. "Even if I feel like I'm about to puke, I'm going to need some energy if I want to escape."


Bruce and his sons were all gathered in the dining hall eating their breakfast in silence. The atmosphere was thick enough to cut with a knife and it weight down on the family. 

Despite that, they felt no guilt what-so-ever, they knew getting you home was impossible and sending you back to Superman would only lead you to live a miserable life. They could never do that to you, plus, living here meant a life of luxury. So, they knew they were in the right.

Weren't they?

Dick finishes his meal first obviously anxious about something. "Bruce," he says, getting the man's attention. "When will the medicine kick in?"  Bruce glances at his watch then back at Dick, "Only a few minutes." He answers.

Glancing between the two, Tim speaks up. "Why are we keeping her on medicine Bruce? There's no way for her to escape from here, so doesn't putting her on medicine seems kind of... I don't know, useless." 

Damien and Jason rase theirs heads and look at Bruce, also wanting to know why he put medicine in Y/n's food.

Bruce looks at Tim before answering. "This medication will keep her... relaxed enough to so she won't be scared while the machine is being built. Plus, it'd be had if she was fighting me on every step of the way."

Satisfied with that answer Tim and the rest go back to eating for the next few minutes.


Once breakfast was over Bruce told everyone that he was going to check on you, he told everyone to stay out of the room until he said it was okay to enter. He walked upstairs and entered 'your' room. 

When he did, he saw that nothing had really changed, not that he was expecting it to, the only think different was the fact that the plate on the dresser, once full of food, was now empty. He smiled to himself, "Y/n? Where are you?" He asks softly while walking further into the room.

Bruce found you right away, curled up beside the bed, rocking yourself seemingly crying. "Oh y/n..." He walks over to you, scooping you up so he could cradle you in his arms. 

You notice him and sloppily try to get out of his arms, "Wha... what did you do.. to me." You slur your words, slightly hiccupping from your crying. After eating the food, you started to feel weird and woozy. You mind started fogging up so you couldn't feel what was wrong with you.

You hated it.

"Shh... shhhh... it's ok, they always feel bad the first time." Bruce says to you, "You just need to let them fully kick in, then you'll feel nice and bubbly." He said it as if that was supposed to be comforting. 

"Mm.. no, I don like it." You said, your words slurring even more making you sound like a tired kid protesting sleep, Bruce smiles at that. 

"I'm only doing this to help you Y/n. 

Trust me."


Hiii!! It's almost Halloween and I'm planning on a Halloween one-shot special in the story. :)

But what I want is for people to comment what their costumes are here:

I'm curious on what people will be doing so I thought I'd ask. I'm going as an NPC this year, my costume already came in.

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