Missing You

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Today was another typical morning. Since you didn't have any plans or schedule to keep track today, as soon as you wake up you decided to just stay at home to work on the outline for your latest novel. But as you laid there in your bed staring disappointedly at the empty space beside you, you didn't feel motivated to do just that.

As usual, you woke up alone again. How many days was it already? Probably more than a month now since you last clapped eyes at him. Of course, your husband didn't fail to call you every now and then, sometimes in successive days or nights if he could have the time, but listening to his voice from the other end of the line was different from seeing and touching him in person.

You missed him terribly.

You wondered how his mission was going. Sadly, you'd never know since he'd never tell you that himself. After all, Loid didn't know that you knew about his real job and he would remain to be so for as long as possible. Him discovering that you knew about it at all...he would either leave you at best or silence you by eliminating you at worst. Both were your greatest fear. Because while you love him so, you were aware that Loid has a darker side to him that he would never deign to show you and some part of you whispered that perhaps it would be safest for you to leave him now and never look back, but unfortunately, love doesn't work that way.

Many would call you a fool for it. You simply didn't care. Perhaps it was just the dreamer on you as an author, but you wanted to be positive. You wanted to believe on Loid, the man you married.

So, you stayed.

And if acting ignorant that he was, in fact, an enemy spy to preserve your marriage, then so be it.

Turning to face his side of the bed, you grabbed his pillow and buried your face in it. Hopefully, he'd come home to you soon.


"So...how is Loid these days?"

You looked up from your cup of coffee to find your best friend staring at you with his palm resting on his cheek. Next to him, your other best friend, his wife, just sat there and was waiting for your response.

You didn't want to stay coped up at home all day, even for work, because it would only worsen the loneliness brought by Loid's absence. So instead you decided to meet up with your best friends for a brunch at your usual hang out place in The Beanhaus.

Surprisingly, the two were available when you called, which was just plain strange since it was a weekday and they both have busy schedules during this time of the day. But the couple waved your concern off, saying that they really wanted to catch up with you, never mind the fact that you and the rest of your former classmates would all gather every Saturday night at The Beanhaus to do just that anyway.

So yeah, you really should have seen it coming that they were going to use this as a chance to pry on your life. Pretty much the usual stuff they do just like any other nosy best friends out there.

You placed the cup down on the saucer. "He's doing fine. He's still out of the country to attend his work conference."

"Hmm..." he leaned back on his seat. "That conference sure takes too long, doesn't it?"

You stared at him, confused at to where this conversation was going.

"Work is work," was all you could say.

"True," he said. "But did he tell you when he'll be coming home?"

"He was supposed to be back a few weeks ago but he said that the conference took a bit longer than usual so he couldn't say when."

"...And you didn't find anything wrong with that?" he carefully prodded.

Of course you do but unlike them, you didn't pry because you knew it had something to do with his real job which wasn't something you could actually tell them now could you?

So in response, you shrugged and simple sipped your coffee to avoid their gazes.

The couple exchanged worried glances.

"I don't think you should be so nonchalant about this," the man commented.

"What Ivan here means is that you should care about this," the woman finally spoke when you continued to look confused, "I mean let's be real; he could be out there cheating on you for all you know."


"What? I'm just telling her what we both think," Susan defended herself to him. "A married man, supposedly on a business trip for a week tops, and doesn't give a definite date when he'll be back?" she scoffed. "That right there is suspicious as hell."

"But you didn't have to be so blunt about it," Ivan sighed before turning to you, "Anyways, as much as I didn't like how Susan said it, she's right." He frowned. "Because that husband of yours? With a face like that? He's bound to attract bees, darling, and you know how we men are with temptations."

"Good to know you're aware of it yourself," muttered Susan offhandedly, crossing her arms.

He waved her off. "So I might appreciate eye candy coming my way evey now and that's like totally normal. Besides," he flashed her a smile, reaching to hold her hand, "I have you and I know where not to cross the line."

"You better be or heads will roll," she muttered under her breath, cheeks flushing at his words.

Despite the current situation, you couldn't help but be a little amused.

"ANYWAYS," Ivan turned to you again, moving back to the topic at hand, "Don't be passive and don't just accept his words at face value. Do something. Or ask him. Better yet, investigate. You know what I'm saying?"

You sighed and placed your coffee back into the table. "I know."

They did raise a very good point. Yes, you knew he's doing top secret undercover missions as a spy, but you didn't know what those missions entailed. For all you knew, he was out there having relations with other women for work. Weren't spies trained for seduction as well?

After all, it did happen to you. He had seduced you, probably on a mission involving your late father or something similar. And now look where you are, legally chained to him with the public as your witness. Whose to say he wasn't doing the same thing to others?

The sweet coffee you were consuming had never tasted so bitter right now.

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