The Homecoming

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It went without saying that the brunch with Ivan and Susan concluded in a gloomy air. Your thoughts have gone down the spiral, making you feel down and lose your appetite which, in response, caused your friends to fret trying to cheer you up again. While you did appreciate their efforts, it did little to comfort you or uplift your mood at all.

Truth was...some part of you already knew about him potentially cheating on you, whether or not it was for his work as a spy. Still, you decided to ignore it anyway...until your friends brought it up in the open out of their concern for you. Honestly, you wished they hadn't done such a thing. You didn't want the reminder. In fact, you'd rather you remained oblivious to it all.

The phrase 'Love is blind' couldn't be truer than this.

You inserted the key to your apartment door, only to blink when you realize it wasn't locked. Frowning, you opened the door and let yourself in. What greeted you was the smell of delicious food. After a swift glance at the foyer, you notice the familiar coat and shoes that was neatly placed.

"Love, is that you?" you called out, dropping your coat and everything else you were carrying in the couch.

"In the kitchen!"

Dazed ,you moved towards where he was and found him in the kitchen stirring something on the pan over the stove. "You're home."

Dressed in a white shirt and gray pant, your husband removed the green apron over his person and turned to you with a smile.

"Yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you beforehand. I wanted to surprise you so I-honey, what's wrong?"

Immediately, he tossed his apron and walked towards you to gather you in his arms, looking very worried. "Honey?"

You shook your head and simply buried your face in his shirt.

"Nothing. Just missing you."

His expression softened at that. Gently cradling your face, he leaned down to plant a kiss on your lips. You closed your eyes, savoring the physical contact that you have with him after weeks of separation and longing.

After a long moment, your lips finally separated, though the both of you chose to remain in each other's embrace.

"I'm sorry for being away for so long," Loid spoke, eyes gazing tenderly at you as he brush the hair out of your eyes, "I tried my best to finish everything as soon as possible so I could come back home earlier as planned but things just keep getting rescheduled and-"

"It's alright. I understand. Work is work, after all," you said. Then you noticed something new about him. "I see you got a new haircut," you stated, reaching to comb his hair back. "It suits you."

He smiled. "Thank you."

The two of you just gazed at each other, taking each other in for a few minutes until the sound of something bubbling by the stove snapped you both back to reality.

"I cooked us dinner tonight," he spoke again, "Have you eaten already?"

"Not yet," you said, letting yourself be ushered to the dinning table before he went about placing the food in the table. "Smells nice."

"Thank you," he grinned before joining you at the table.

The room fell into comfortable silence as you both enjoyed your meal.

"So how was your day?" he asked after m a while, starting a conversation, "I arrived earlier around noon but you weren't home."

"It was fine. I had brunch with Ivan and Susan earlier by The Beanhaus. After that, I went shopping for more writing materials."

He hummed at that. "Anything interesting that occured while I was away?"

"Not much," then you paused, thinking it over. "...Well, there's Nina who finally went to labor four days ago. She had a boy. In fact, Ivan, Susan and I visited her the other day." You smiled at the memory. "He was real cute."

"Is that so?"

You looked up to find your husband staring at you with a strange look in his eye. You didn't know what to make out of it. "Love?" you prodded.

"Nothing," he said and then added, "So. Kids. You like them?"

"I find them adorable, I guess."

"I see."

You hummed in response as you took another bite out of your food.

"So how do you feel about us having kids then?"

You promptly choked on your food.





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