The Rescue Party

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A man in black jacket arrived, dropping the tied up body on the floor.

You stared at the the body on the ground in dread. He had his head covered with a sack, but those clearly belonged to Loid's.

Your breath stuttered. No. That can't be...!

"We got the guy," the man who brought the body in spoke gruffly, stepping back to massage his own neck.

"Well done," the leader praised.

"The man's not just some amateur though. He's the real deal," the man in black jacket tried to warn.

But his boss waved him away as he walked over to the captured man. "Get some rest in the back."

As the leader and the rest of the group were preoccupied with the captured body, the man in black jacket suddebly slipped next to you. With a shushing gesture, he untied you and Anya before grabbing you both to start running.

When you three gained some distance, you decided to start ask, "Who are you? Why are you helping us?!"

"Don't asks questions. Just run!"

Suddenly, Anya clutched on his shirt, calling for Loid as she started wailing on his shoulder.

The strange man, flustered at your daughter's tears, began to panic. "H-hey, it's okay, I won't hurt you. So don't cry, okay?"

But Anya just cried harder.

As the three of you reached exited the building, he set sniffling Anya to the ground next to your feet then turned to regard you both.

"Both of you, you need to leave now before they come back."

"But what about you?" you asked.

"I'll be fine. I'll take care of this." From inside the building, you could hear the loud banging of a metal door. "Now go!" he barked.

Startled, you found yourself following his order as you hastily picked up your daughter and hightailed it out of there.

As you ran, you couldn't resist a one last glance over your shoulder...

...only to do a double take when the man suddenly ripped off his face, no, his mask to reveal...your husband?!



You glanced down to see Anya looking up at you for a second before turning to watch Loid again. But by the time you looked back he was already gone. Most likely he went back to deal with those men. You wanted to follow him inside but refrained due to Anya. Your priority was the safety of your vulnerable daughter first and foremost.

So with that decision in mind, you forced yourself to start walking again, "We're going back home and wait for him there," you told her.

Anya just gripped your shirt. "What about Papa?" Her eyes were looking at the direction you had been looking at.

"He'll be fine." Trying to ease her worries, you gave her a reassuring smile. You hoped it looked convincing enough. "Have faith on your Papa, okay?"

She nodded and proceeded to stare at you with a strange look in her eyes. "What is it?" you asked.

"...Does Mama know how to fight people like Papa?"

That... wasn't what you expected her to ask.

"No, sweetie, I don't."

Somewhere in your head, you heard her scoff at your words which you promptly ignored.

"But Papa can," Anya argued. As if that perfectly justifies that you should be able to do it too.

"Well, he used to go to self-defence classes."

Or at least that's what Loid used to say to you when the two of you back in the early stages of your relationship. Of course, you knew now that wasn't quite true.

"Why the question though?" you couldn't help but ask her that.

But Anya only ducked her head and didn't respond.

Your heart broke a little inside. Could it be...?

Dropping a comforting kiss on her forehead and rubbing her back, you spoke again. "I'm sorry, baby. You must have been real scared, huh?"

Anya hid her face in your blouse. "..S'kay. Papa came."

"Yes, he did. He protected us."

She then leaned back to look at you. "And Mama too, right? Mama will also protect Anya like Papa?"

"Of course," came your immediate answer as you brush the stray hair out of her face, "You're my daughter now. I may not be able to fight like your Papa but I won't let harm come near you. I promise."

And that was the truth. Sure, you couldn't fight just her but you could do something. After all, there's nothing in the world that you wouldn't do for the sake of your family.

Anya stared at you some more, as if she was trying to read if there was more to the sincerity behind your expression. Honestly, it was times like these that amazed you when children showed occasional bursts of intuitiveness and maturity than their age applied. Perhaps it was due to her upbringing which made you wonder what her life had been before she met you and Loid.

Either way, she's yours now. And Loid's too. This precious little girl in your arms... you swore... she would never want anything less in life. Not with you as her mother.

Smiling, you poked her nose, prompting her to become crossed-eyed. You fought the urge to coo at her cuteness.

"You must be hungry with all the excitement," you said. "How about Mama bake you sweets once we're back home?"

She blinked before shooting you a startled smile. "Y-yes, please!"

Chuckling, you continued on your way back home with your daughter safe and sound in your arms.

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