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The team had just finished a case and everyone was understandably exhausted and fast asleep. Everyone except Hotch of course. He stared off into space, thinking about what they had all just gone through while running his fingers through your hair, something he did when he was nervous.

Your soft snores made him smile and he moved his hand down to your waist briefly, giving it a slight rub and moved his hand back up to your hair. He looked at the window, seeing that they were just about to land.

"Guys! Time to wake up!..."., he called out to the team., "...Ten minutes"., everyone voiced their annoyed groans as they started to wake up. Hotch looked down at you, seeing that you were still asleep. "Are you going to wake her up, Hotch?"., he looked up, seeing JJ.

"No, not yet. ..."., Hotch shook his head., "...She hasn't been feeling to good lately"., "why?"., she asked as went to make a cup of tea., "I don't know. ..."., he sighed., "...Why are you making a tea now"., "to go cup"., JJ yawned and you stirred.

"Hey, I might make myself one of those"., you sat up, yawning and kissing Hotch's cheek., "do you want one, love?"., you said, holding his hand for a moment., "I'll just make one when I get home, thankyou though"., "well, I'll make you one, Y/n"., "thanks, JJ".

You yawned and rubbed your eyes, resting your head on Hotch's shoulder. "Are you okay, honey?"., he looked at you, kissing your head., "I don't feel so good"., he looked at you with concern., "well maybe a nice hot cup of tea will help"., "hopefully"., you sighed.


You and Hotch arrived home and you sighed contently as you rushed over to the sofa, sitting on it and placing the to go cup on the coffee table in front of you. After a few moments you spoke up., "it's late but I could make us something if you'd like? Are you up for anything?".

"Sure"., he nodded., "great. ..."., you smiled, standing up., "...Like what?"., "a good night's sleep"., you laughed softly and nodded., "I think everyone on the team would love that as well"., Hotch smiled and chuckled., "well, I'm just going to get dressed in some more suitable clothes. I'll be in the room if you need me, I love you"., "I love you too"., you smiled.


Bright and early, Hotch walked into the office with his phone raised to his ear, calling you. Morgan looked out the window and sighed, nodding., "Hotch is here"., JJ looked at the rest of the team and sighed, standing up. She opened the door and walked over, looking at Hotch worried as he looked a bit dizzy. "Hotch?..."., she looked at him.

"...Are you okay? You don't look so good"., "I'm fine, JJ. Just a bit tired. Nothing to unusual. ..."., he put his phone in his suit pocket, looking at the room worriedly., "...Is Y/n in there? She wasn't at home this morning and I've been trying to reach her but-".

He stopped when he saw her sad but worried expression., "what is it?"., he asked, looking at the room again., "well...that's our next case. Unfortunately"., "about Y/n?"., he questioned., she took a moment, looking down at the ground.

That was the answer he didn't want to hear. He rushed into the room, putting his stuff down., "where's Y/n?"., Hotch asked, looking at the audio recording on the screen., "are you sure you want to do this, Hotch?"., Morgan said, tapping his pen on the desk., "what's this, JJ?"., Hotch turned around, looking at her., "it's a 911 call. ...".

JJ placed the file on the table in front of Hotch's seat., "...She made the call at approximately 2am"., "that wasn't long after we got home. ..."., Hotch sighed., "...Play the clip"., JJ cleared her throat., "are you s-"., "play the clip"., Hotch said sternly. Everyone exchanged looks and JJ sighed, playing the clip.

"911. What's the address of your-".

"Hello?! Hello?!".

"Ma'am? What's the problem?".

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