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Hotch arrived back home and looked at the place he once called safe. After so many cases that the both of you worked on, the house was always the place you's could feel comfortable and wind down, but not anymore.

With a sigh he opened the door and walked inside, quickly shutting the door. He ran his fingers through his hair and started to rush up to the room, waiting to spend as less time in here as possible.

He grabbed a towel, stripped down to his bare skin and turned on the hot water, sighing as it hit his skin, feeling his muscles relax. He splayed his hand on the bathroom wall and rested his head on his arm, closing his eyes., "fuck"., he muttered.

Ten minutes went by and he got out, going into the room and starting to dry himself. He sighed and chucked the towel in the hamper and turned back around, feeling tears well in his eyes as the bed got in his eye view.

He clenched his fists and opened the closet, grabbing a few suits and a suitcase along with anything else that he needed for his new but hopefully temporary room. Once everything was packed, he gripped the suitcase handle and started to go downstairs.

He looked around the home and saddened features fell across his face. There were so many good memories here but all that started to go away and were being replaced by memory of you being taken. He was shaken out of his thoughts hearing glass shatter.

He jumped and looked around, seeing a note taped to a brick. Hotch ran out of the house and looked down the streets, not seeing any cars or people running away, whatsoever. He put his hands on his head for a moment and hit the bonnet of his car, yelling in frustration.

"Aaron?..."., his head shot up and saw one of his neighbours, looking at him worriedly., "...Is everything okay? Did that footage help you much?"., Hotch ignored him and rushed inside. He brushed away the glass with his feet and picked up the brick, taking off the note.

Y/n or the baby. Take your pick. Have your answer by 12pm.

Hotch's eyes widened and he threw the brick down, crumpling up the note. He dialled Reid's number and tapped his foot anxiously. "Reid, anything?"., "no, no. I'm arriving in about ten minutes"., "I just got another note"., "really? What did it say?".

"He wants me to choose between my wife or my child. He wants me to answer by 12pm tomorrow"., "so that would mean he's sadistic. ...Uh Hotch?"., "yeah?"., "you're not going to choose are you?"., Hotch clenched his jaw., "of course I'm not going to choose!"., he yelled into the phone, hanging up.

Reid arrived back at Liam's house and cleared his throat before knocking on the door. "Who is it?"., Liam bellowed out., "uh, good morning Mr Messer, it's Dr Spencer Reid again"., the door opened a few seconds later and Liam nodded and extended his hand.

"How are you going, mate?"., "I'm good thankyou. Uh, by any chance do you still have your high school year book"., "I'm pretty sure I do, I've never got rid of anything. I'll be back in a moment, make yourself comfortable".

Reid cleared his throat and sat down on a stool, looking around the house. After five minutes of Reid analysing everything in the room, Liam walked back out, grabbing a tissue and wiping it down., "one very old yearbook".

Reid took it off him and flipped to the photos, running his finger over the page as he looked at the names on the dusty page. He got to the photo of interest and his eyes widened., "you alright there, Dr Reid?"., "did you know that his name was not Max?".

"Of course I did. But everyone called him Max"., Reid sighed and shook his head., "why didn't you tell me originally?..."., Reid questioned., "...This could of been extremely useful"., Liam scratched the back of his neck., "I'm sorry I assumed you and your team knew".

"Alright, well thankyou"., Reid grabbed his phone and dialled Garcia. "Hello, Wonder Boy"., "I need you to run a name for me"., "will do. Give me the name"., "Joseph Maxwell Benker. I'm going to hang up now. Hotch is expecting me to call with information so you call him with anything that you find"., "alrighty, will do".

Hotch arrived back at the office and saw Garcia rushing to his office. "Garcia?"., Hotch called out. Garcia turned around and he saw she had a case file in her hands. "Sir, I've got so much infomation. ..."., she started to walk down the stairs.

"...It turns out that Max wasn't his real name. I found his real name and everything he owns is all in here"., "thanks Garcia"., Hotch took the file off Garcia and rushed into his office. He abandoned the suitcase at the sofa and sat at his desk.

"Joseph Maxwell his family owns so many properties"., he looked at the list of properties while tapping his fingers on the desk. "Realistically he could be keeping her in anyone of these. ..."., he muttered, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"...This needs to get done quicker"., he stood up and grabbed the file, walking out of the office. "Everyone, in the briefing room. ..."., he called out., "...I'll be there in five minutes"., everyone walked into the briefing room and Hotch walked in a few minutes later with multiple copies of the profile.

"Reid, found out the guys real name and we have a lists of properties, it would of taken a while for myself to go through them by myself so I need you all to go through it and do more research on whatever jumps out at you".

Silence fell across the team as they looked at the list. Morgan chucked the list on the table. "Hotch when you asked her to describe the floors what did she say?"., "all I got out of her was was pol"., "what do you mean pol?..."., Prentiss said confused.

"...Why didn't she tell you the rest of it?"., "because he walked in while she was on the phone and he...uh it doesn't matter. We need to crack down on this, I got a note today"., "another one?"., Morgan asked., "yes, it was thrown through one of my windows".

"Are you serious?"., JJ said shocked and Hotch nodded, looking down at the list., "he left me another note telling me to choose between Y/n or our unborn child"., everyone looked ar each other with shocked and angry expressions.

"He wants me to choose by 12pm tomorrow"., "we can't let that happen"., Emily said as she shook her head, looking at the list. So does anyone know any floors that start with pol?"., Reid rushed into the room., "sorry, I'm so late everyone".

"Here you go, Reid. ..."., Hotch handed over the file., "...Do you know of any floors that start work pol?"., Reid put the file down and walked over to the board, picking up a whiteboard marker and writing down pol.

The team fell to silence again as they looked at the list. After a few minutes Reid turned around., "I think she meant polished concrete"., "she said pol so yeah I'm guessing that what she was going to say"., Morgan said as Hotch stood up.

"What buildings that are on the list that you think have polished concrete?"., "well there's two warehouses"., "alright, let's go. JJ, Prentiss and Reid you go to the first address, Morgan and I will go to the second one".

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