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The weekend brings us both the fresh start we need to recharge and be ready for the next week. Sunday evening is spent sitting by the fire watching the sunset and then a movie. My engagement ring sparkles on my finger as the lights dim and I let my head rest on his shoulder as the opening credits roll.

"How's this week looking for you?" I ask while the movie plays in life-sized form in front of me. "Busy?"

"When is it not?" He sighs and rubs his temples. "I have a hundred exams to administer and mark."

"Literally a hundred?" I sit bolt upright in my chair. "How long does that take?"

"Not long if they're multiple choice. But these have a calculation component I have to do by hand and then I have a new unit to start on Wednesday or Thursday which means planning and copying and—I'm boring you, aren't I?"

"Not at all, actually," I try to keep my eyes open, but they're failing me. "I'm just tired from this weekend's hike and this afternoon's grocery shopping trip."

"I really didn't anticipate we'd need to buy that much or I would have taken the car."

"I know but I'm being a little domestic, so I need the ingredients to cook."

"I could cook for you, you know?"

"When?" I laugh. "You're never here."

"I'm sorry about that," he sighs. "I'm really trying to do a better job at this husband thing, but work is kicking my butt."

"I know. And I'm new here and still really trying to get my feet under me, but working remotely from when you leave means I'm done hours before you think about coming home and I don't know anyone here and it's just been..." I stop, not wanting to make him feel bad.

"I should have thought of that." His eyes are unfocused, looking toward the screen as the movie plays, but he's not watching. "I'll figure it out. I'll introduce you to some friends or some places you can go so you aren't so cooped up inside."

"But I like being cooped up inside." I leave the rest of it unsaid. I just don't like being cooped up inside a strange house all alone.

"We'll figure something out," he says finally. And then his phone beeps. "Ah, shoot. I gotta take this, it's my boss."

And off he goes again.

The movie is half over and I have no idea what's going on, so I pull out my own phone. I don't know how I missed at least three messages from Carla, but I did.

Hey, girl! the first one reads, Divya's still off being married or whatever so Lorena and I wanna do girls' night this week. You in?

There were also several messages about something she was trying to cook and a picture of the charred creation she ended up producing.

I responded to that with an emoji and then answered about girls' night. Something to do inside without being alone? Just what Enrique and I were talking about.

I'd love to do girls' night. When do you want me to come in?

It doesn't even take her a minute to respond. No. Lorena and I want to come there. Enrique did say it was fine with him if it was fine with you. Please?

She follows it up with a little emoji with big pleading eyes.

How does Wednesday work? She asks before I have time to think.

Wednesday is a late night for Enrique. It should work fine and let me still be around when he gets home.

I can do at least three hours if you come over right after work. Say, 5:00?

Vegas Knot (✔️) | Love Travels #1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ