Chapter 08

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'Nothing changes if nothing changes.' -Unknown.

Months Later !!!

These past months have been good to me. I now have a job , it's not really that big but it's good for me cause it helps me put food on the table. I work as a receptionist in the City Hospital. I also have been saving and helping around the house although Wandi doesn't like that because she treats me like a child(rolls eyes). Wandi is really a great sister and I've learnt that she has siblings , well her father is a Polygamist with two wives and her mother is the first wife hence they call her MaBiyela. She is the only child to her mother and the second wife has four kids and they all boys , she's close to only one of her brothers. She also let me in about her relationship with a certain white guy that is friends with her brother.

Wandi : "I love Nkazi so much , she's like my own. She just reminds me of my baby."  We were cuddling on the couch while binging on some junk and movies.

Me : "Baby?" She nodded and smiled sadly at me.

Wandi : "I once was pregnant too at the age of 17. My parents were obviously disappointed but my father *chuckles* my father was furious , he stopped coming home to me and my mother even because he was angry at me. One day uMkhululi , dad's first born son confronted me and insulted me nje , I don't know what happened but we were screaming at each other so much and he was about to walk away and bumped my shoulder *sobs* kanti I will lose balance since I was standing at the edge of the staircase and I fell. I fell and hit my stomach in the process and yeah. I stayed in hospital for a month , had an operation and my baby was removed from me as she was already dead , I on the other hand had some damage in my womb so I can't have kids period." I just hugged her tight.

Me : "I'm sorry." She sniffs sitting up.

Wandi : "You know what's more funny? It's the fact that nobody really cared , my father thought I was being punished by his ancestors for falling pregnant at a young age. Mkhululi lied and said I was being abused by my then boyfriend I was dating just because he was older than me and they believed Mkhululi. Dad acted like a concerned parent when Mkhululi said what he said , they killed my man. They then just moved on with their lives as if they didn't kill the two of the most important people in my life. Lindo was so happy about our little baby but she was killed and then killed him. God knows how much I loved Lindo , that man was everything to me. God I hate my family!" She says trying to wipe her tears but they don't stop.

Me : "Yoh! I'm sorry sis."

Wandi : "Don't sweat it love , I'm still tryna get pass this pain and I believe God blessed me with an amazing sister who gave me an angel."  I smile at her.

Me : "We are even more blessed to have you. Isn't Mkhululi younger than you?"  She shakes her head.

Wandi : "Nope. The second wife was dad's mistress from a long time ago when they were still dating with uMah. Well when mom and dad started dating , dad had already had Mkhululi and uSibani was on the way. So mom dated my dad and became a stepmom of two , they got married and struggled to get a child for a few years then dad impregnated his babymama again and they got married then they had me so me and Wanda are like twins but we don't get along , then the 13 year old brother , uSabelo. It's just too much man." 

Me : "Yoh! Your father something else neh? But doesn't uMaBiyela have a problem with sharing?"

Wandi : "What would've she done ngoba phela dad's family were the ones supporting him and encouraging him.They are the ones who made sure everything happened that way and they've never cared about my mother , nx I hate those people. That's why I'm using mom's last name , Donda. As we speak , the mother of the boys drives the latest Range Rover And lives in a mansion in Hillcrest while I grew up in a township , attending a public school while the boys went to private schools and whenever I would bring that up , uGogo would tell to stop comparing myself with the boys and as I grew older I stopped visiting ikhaya elikhulu unless if I really had to."  And it sure was evident that she didn't like them.

Me : "I get you."

Wandi : "Wena, what's your story? Why did you want to terminate the first time?"  I breath out.

Me : "I don't know Nkazi's father."

Wandi : "What do you mean?"

Me : "Well I lived with my grandparents who despise my existence but they wouldn't let me go so it happened one day that I knocked off early from work and I walked in on my grandmother negotiating with some man about selling my virginity to him. I decided to go out , went to a pub nearby and got drunk , the worst part is that I had never drank alcohol before so I met this dude and we kissed , things escalated well we were still busy with foreplay then I blacked out , I don't remember anything. One day I fainted at work and I found out I was pregnant , few days later my grandparents told me they had arranged a marriage for me with the same man they had planned to sell my virginity to but I refused and I was thrown out."  I cut my story short.

Wandi : "What? Oh my God! I hate your grandparents really. That means that guy took advantage of you?" Now that I think of it...

Me : "I ....I don't know."

Wandi : "When you woke the next morning , did you feel any discomfort in your vagina?"

Me : "No but I did fall pregnant."  She looks at me shocked.

Wandi : "How did you give birth?"

Me : "C-section." 

Wandi : "Maybe you are still a virgin."  Yeah right. I just laugh and she joins me.

Me : "Imagine a virgin mother! Yoh!"

Wandi : "Yeah , then we'll be calling you Mary , maka Jesu.."  We laugh and then Nkazi decides to wail. My baby is now eight months. She growing really fast and she doesn't look like me but has most of my features.

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