Chapter 4

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When they felt ready to put the room to use, they tried several times for Yve to become pregnant, Lucifer checking with his magic two days after they tried each time. They jumped for joy when his magic showed that she was pregnant. As was her habit, Yve hugged Lucifer tightly before pulling back enough to look up at him.

"What should we name it Luci?" She asked.

He pondered the question for a moment before responding with a soft smile, "James if it's a boy, and Jewel if it's a girl,"

She smiled, "Such nice names, guess you're good at something creative,"

He frowned, "Don't bully me!"

Yve giggled, "I'm not bullying you! I'm just kidding baby,"

He made a flushed curt face, embarrassed by what she called him, "Mm-whatever..." He scratched behind his ear.

During her nine months of pregnancy, Lucifer eased her pain with his magic and changed her clothes to fit her growing belly. He submissively indulged all her pregnancy cravings, creating the strangest foods. The majority of her cravings were meaty. Particularly very heavy on steak.

When she went into labour, he laid her comfortably on their bed and put her to sleep, using his powers to remove the baby and return her stomach to normal. As soon as he had the baby swaddled in a blanket and had determined his sex, he woke her up and gently placed the baby in her arms. She smiled, feeling warm inside and full of love as she looked at her baby's cute face. She stroked his soft chubby cheek, staring.

It took a long time for her to change her focus, but eventually, she asked, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

He answered with a soft-spoken voice, smiling down at his child, "He's a boy dear,"

"Ahh...James," she went back to staring at her baby with endearment.

Lucifer came behind her and crawled on the bed beside her, staring over her shoulder at the baby and leaning against her. He loved his baby as soon as he set eyes on him. The baby opened its eyes slowly, and Lucifer smiled.

"Hehe, he's got my black eyes Yvie," he bumped her shoulder with his gently.

"Oh shush," she pouted, eyebrows furrowed, though she wasn't really angry.

The couple raised the child happily, Lucifer's supernaturalness making it easy breezy. He was so cute and looked just like Lucifer, nothing like his mother unless you count the black hair that both parents had. His pointed ears and sharp teeth like his father's made them think that he would probably have angelic powers as well, and they felt very happy for him.

Yve joked, "I'm feeling left out now~ I'm the only person without powers!"

"Oh you poor thing," Lucifer responded sarcastically.

James was dressed in nice cute toddler's clothes and attended Church, though he didn't understand much at his young age. His favourite thing to do was play with the other toddlers who lived near their quaint, comfortable cottage.

He always cried when older kids would bully him for his ears and teeth, calling him a demon child. His parents always came to comfort him though, deeply saddened seeing their precious baby cry. Lucifer would rage at the kids, making them cry, and Yve would scold him for treating kids so harshly.

Satan's Offspringजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें