Chapter 5

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"They're bullying our son!"

"I know but they're still kids! You can't be so harsh!"

He groaned, frowning, "Fine, whatever,"

She sighed, crossing her arms, "Thank you, Luci,"

Yve had begun to fall ill. She felt fatigued and had no appetite, and almost always felt feverish. James was too young to comprehend what was happening to her, only sensing she felt bad and coming over to hug her a lot.

He cried whenever she was too fatigued to speak or hug him back and the depressed Lucifer had to pull him away and make him fall asleep. All he could do was relieve her pain. He couldn't heal his darling lover. He barely ate and stayed in bed most of the time, only coming out to help Yve and James. He had bags under his eyes and a puffy face, spending most nights crying. James would hug him too, sensing how miserable he was. That was his only comfort.

The day that Yve died, he broke. They all were with her in her dying moments, Lucifer holding her hand and James staring up at her and hugging her leg. She kept a weak smile, kissing Lucifer and gently stroking James' head. Her lips separated from Lucifer's as she went slack against the back of the chair, her head rolling to the side and her breathing stopping.

Lucifer sobbed against her arm, distraught. James frowned and cried too, scared and confused by what was happening. He hated seeing his daddy cry and was so confused by his mommy's lack of movement and her now cold leg. He waddled over and hugged Lucifer.

He began to resent James, only reminded of her when he saw him. He picked up a habit of excessive alcohol drinking, bottles around everywhere as he didn't even have the motivation to magic them away.

James was confused, and would ask, "Dada, where's mommy?" He pouted.

He screamed angrily at him, "YOU STUPID CHILD! SHE'S DEAD!"

James gasped and his lip quivered, his eyes beginning to water before he began to cry loudly.

"UGHH!" He screamed again, turning around and stomping into his bedroom.

James cried on the floor for a long time before his eyes dried out and he waddled into his room, all pouty. The child lost a lot of weight as he was barely fed, and extremely neglected by his dad. One day he waddled out of his room, looking for his daddy to make him food.

"Dada! I'm hungwy!" he called out as loud as he could.

He frowned and waddled all over the cottage looking for him, and began to cry when he couldn't find him anywhere. He saw that the door was slightly open and he ran out in relief, thinking that Lucifer had just gone outside. He began to cry again quietly when he still couldn't find him.

He waddled around aimlessly before a local school teacher found him and picked the baby up, decided to take him in as she couldn't let a toddler die outside in the cold.

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