Chapter 7

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James struggled in his restraints, grunting and growling. He felt so angry and scared.

"LET ME GO!" He screamed.

Of course, he was not let go. This didn't stop him from continuously squirming around like a pathetic worm, begging to be let go the entire ride to the castle. Once they had arrived, he was dragged out by his restrained arms, causing him to stumble quite a bit.

Because they gave him no time to steady himself, he was barely able to walk with them to the castle without stumbling over himself. Once they arrived, he was immediately taken down to the dingy dungeon, but taken into a room down there instead of a cell.

He was confused by this until the purpose became clear when they shoved a raggedy piece of clothing at him.

"Change into this." Commanded one of the kingsmen as he roughly untied the rope.

"Tch..why the hell do I have to?" He growled out, grinding his teeth.

"You may smuggle forbidden items, such as food or weapons." the kingsman explained calmly, his pose proper and neat.

James choked on air, "WHAT?! F-food??" He exclaimed.

"Ah. You haven't been informed yet. As punishment for your crimes, the King has sentenced you to starvation in one of the castle's cells."

His mouth went agape. He supposed he should've expected something like this, but it still felt shocking to hear. Maybe because after hearing that, his fate finally felt real. He couldn't believe his life was ending here, at fourteen years old, via starvation.

A painful and slow death that is. However, he had to consider himself lucky considering the various torture methods of his time. Plus, he thought that as a Christian dedicating his life to religious duties, he'd go to Heaven. It didn't make his situation seem that less bad though.

Of course, his definition of 'religious duties' is murdering people so they go to Heaven quicker, so he isn't going to Heaven. At least he has that comfort during his painful time before death.

Their conversation ended at that so the kingsmen walked out of the room, closing and locking the door. Of course, they stood guard in front of the door. Despite his stupidity, James could at least anticipate that, so he just got to changing into the rags.

He walked up and knocked on the locked door, waiting afterwards. He quickly heard the door unlock and click open, backing away to make room for the doors and kingsmen if they chose to come inside the room to get him. He walked out gloomily, miserable feeling as they tied up his arms again and dragged him into his cell.

Once inside the cell, his arms were once again untied, but this time new restraints replaced the old ones. He was shoved to the ground and chained to the wall by his wrists before the kingsmen went and closed the cell door and locked it, leaving him behind in there.

He swallowed hard, his head down and his eyes wide. He threw a huge pity party in his head for himself, looking all droopy and sad sitting there in his cell. It'd almost make you forget that he's a crazed serial killer and not just some poor innocent kid.

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