Chapter 2

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"Vivy, how many times do I need to tell you?" Chris sighed, caressing my cheek. "You're perfect just the way you are." Try not to faint when the man of your dreams tells you something like that, standing so close, his green eyes sparkling. "Don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise."

I rolled my eyes, pulling away to avoid my hormones taking over my lovesick self. "We both know that's not true. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been single most of my life."

"That has nothing to do with your weight." Chris argued, seemingly offended. For some reason, he takes my self-esteem issues as a personal insult to him. "Also, you're 25, most of your life is quite small for an interval."

"Said he who's dated 17 women in a span of 10 years."

He chuckled. "And because I'm so bad at relationships, that's reason to think you need to starve to get a man?"

"I am not going to starve," I sighed, moving to throw away my breakfast, having lost appetite. "Diet doesn't mean starving, Chris. Diets can be healthy."

"Not the way you want to do it."

"You read my mind now?" I scoffed, irritated. He always acts like this. You're so perfect, Vivy, so great, they should all be in love with you ... well, you're not. The one guy I want doesn't even think about me in those terms.

Chris cracked a small tender smile. "I always have." If only. "Either way, you're perfect just the way you are. No need to change."

He just doesn't get it. "It's not about change. I just don't like myself and I would like to improve. What's wrong with that?"

"I just don't understand what's there to improve." He spread his arms, shrugging. "You're beautiful, Vivy. Anybody with eyes can see that. Anybody in their right mind would fall for you." Except the right person.

I tried hard not to roll my eyes. "Chris, you're the first one to go for skinny." I reminded him, remembering all too well his past girlfriends.

"What does that have to do with this?"

Everything, Chris, everything. "Never mind." I rolled my eyes. "I need a shower, then I gotta meet Laura."

He pouted, kind of caging me against the counter. "I thought we'd spend the day together. It's Saturday."

"You know I promised Laura I'd go shopping with her." I reminded him.

"There's always time for shopping."

"She's getting married, remember? I'm her maid of honor? We need to start looking for dresses and all those things." I was ecstatic when Laura told me she was getting married, and yes, maybe I expected her to ask me to be her maid of honor, but I didn't consider how hard it would be. Not because she's a difficult bride, but because her fiancé wants to tag along, and he can be pretty picky, so we decided to get a head start while he's out of town for work. That way she can present him with multiple choices he will certainly hates, where she'll hide the things she really wants. That way, she gets the wedding of her dreams, and Nicky doesn't make us pull our hair out of desperation with his indecisiveness.

"Can't it wait?" Chris pouted, pulling me in for a hug, knowing full well I wouldn't be able to say no. And I didn't. Sometimes I hate that he can be so persuasive, but then ... if I cave, I remain in his arms. I didn't even argue, I just relaxed in his arms, taking in his sweet scent, feeling his frame against mine. I know, I know, I'm weak. What can I say, loves makes us needy.


"Are you going to eat for lunch?" Chris wondered, pausing the movie.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora