Chapter 26

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This is a bit long but's been 3 months since the last update! Sorry for the endless wait, guys 🙈 I'll try to update as often as possible to finish the story before New Year hehe


"How are you feeling, honey?" My mom asked as soon as she sat down, a concerned look on her face. "Nurse Mona told us you had a troubled night."

"I'm ok." I sat up properly, trying to force out a smile. I felt weak, the high fever I had all night drained me. According to the doctor, it was just my body fighting off an infection, which is kind of normal after a car accident, but I was sure it was more psychological.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" My mom grabbed my hand. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine, really." I couldn't help but notice my father hadn't said a word. "Dad?" He was merely staring at me. I knew he was disappointed. When you spend your life being a good kid, the moment you fuck up, your parents inevitably take it like the disappointment of the century. And when, like me, you're only child, it's even worse. "Dad ..." I called in a sigh, hoping he would understand a large part of this situation wasn't my fault.

I don't even know how I got pregnant. We've always used a condom and I'm always thorough with birth control. Although, everything was blurry, I couldn't remember whether 4 weeks ago we indeed used protections. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Two months ago, I was lost in my unrequited love for my best friend, absolutely sure I would live the next years of my life in the same relentless limbo I've been for the past 10, waiting to either find the courage to tell him or for him to realize we were meant to be. Two months ago, I was stuck in a dead-end job, but at least it was something related to my dreams. Now, I had no job, no Chris, no prospects, and I was haunted by the idea that the father of my child was either dead or in prison for attempted murder.

"Was Christopher here?" I closed my eyes, and simply nodded as an answer to my dad's question. "Why?"

"He heard about the accident." I murmured, lowering my glance, unable to endure my dad's disappointment, in Chris more than in me. He's always seen and treated my best friend as the son he never had, and I'm sure deep down my dad entertained the idea that Chris and I would end up together. I guess that, being told what happened between us, it took a toll.

"After all he did, he had the audacity to even come here?" My father thundered, starting to pace the room.

"Dad ..."

"Robert, calm down." My mom interjected.

"How can I calm down?" He froze in the middle of the room, pointing at me. "I treated him like a son! I welcomed him in my home and look what he did to my little girl!"

"This is not Chris' fault ..." I sighed, covering my belly with the sheets, even though there was no sign of a bump yet.

"How is it not?" He shouted, which never really happens. My father is a big man, but such a calm soul, he barely ever raises his voice. "He broke your heart and you took refuge in some ... some ... I don't even know how to define the scumbag!"

"Robert, please ..." my mom sent him a dirty look, "we're in a hospital, don't make a scene."

He shook his head, not even listening. "He made me a promise. Christopher promised me, swore to me that he would take care of my little girl! And look what happened!" My dad went on rambling on how Chris was a disappointment, how he should have known better, how he shouldn't have entrusted me to Chris.

I didn't have it in me to reply or listen. I merely lay down and let him continue his rant. I knew he was just frustrated and worried. But never as much as I was. I had no idea what to do. Nurse Mona said her friend couldn't find Sebastian – well, Tyler – anywhere. Did that mean he was captured? Killed? Or he simply left the country? If he was in police custody, an FBI agent would be able to find him in a minute.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt