Chapter 41

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"You forget I knew her, she was like a second mother to me."

"I also remember she told you to never dare cross my path again." I mentioned, recalling my mom's reaction when she came to know what he'd done. Apparently, she went over to his mother's house, and caught him right when he was about to go back to Toronto with Meredith. Mom gave him an earful. Adam told me he'd never seen her so angry before.

Once again, Chris' jaw clenched almost imperceptibly, but clearly boiling with rage. "Why are you so determined to make me angry?"

That was it, that was the proof I needed, to know Chris hadn't changed at all. More than that, it was the final proof I needed to make peace with myself. It was never my fault to begin with, it was always him. Like Laura said, I was lucky to get out of it in time. Hadn't I opened my eyes, I probably wouldn't even be here today. "I'm not," I stood up, bracing myself, "but I don't want you here. Please, leave."

"Really?" He scoffed, standing up as well. "We haven't seen each other in 5 years. I was hospitalized because of you."

"You were hospitalized because of what you did." I corrected, slipping away when he tried to grab my arm. "You're just lucky I didn't press charges."

"You never would have." Chris smiled, somewhat hysterically, like a lunatic. "I heard about your miscarriage," he mentioned, "some things just take care of themselves, huh?"

My eyes widened in disgust, but I was tired of running away. I turned to face him. "That's low, even for you."

"I mean, am I wrong?" Chris shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "He's dead, by the way."

"Stop it-"

"No, I mean Sebastian. Well, Tyler. He's dead."

"I don't believe you." I said, but mostly to cover up the fact that ... truly, I felt nothing. I felt sorry, but if I'm honest, I wasn't shocked nor heartbroken. I did care about him, but I never actually loved him. Assuming I've ever even known what love truly is, since, for almost all my life, I devoted my heart to a master manipulator.

Chris laughed dryly. "Really? Because criminals don't notoriously end up in a ditch somewhere with a bullet between their eyes, right?"

"How do you even know?" I inquired, almost fearing he ...

"I didn't kill him." Chris rolled his eyes, as if reading my mind. "Come on, Vivy, really, would I ever do such a thing?"

"I don't know what you're capable of, Chris." I took a step back. "The man I thought I knew never existed, and if he did, he's been gone for a long time."

He shook his head slowly, moving to come closer. "Here we go again ... you keep on saying things just to make me mad."

I staggered back, until I hit the railing. "Chris, back off." I warned, pulling the blanket closer to my body.

"I'm not doing anything. I just want you to reason."

"I'm reasoning perfectly well, thank you."

He scoffed. "You don't reason, never have." He flicked my forehead. "That cute little head of yours isn't made for thinking."

"Oh, so you're calling me dumb now. Quite the improvement."

"It's not your fault." He shrugged. "We're all born with roles to play, yours is to be led step by step."

"By you, I presume." I scoffed, unable to resist.

"Come on, let's not go back to the same arguments." He stood mere inches away from me. "I came here to pay my respects to your mom, she was a great woman. Let's not get lost in useless arguments."

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now