Chapter 9

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"Wait, you're serious?!" Laura gasped, predictably. "You really made out with a complete stranger?! I'm shocked."

I laughed as we walked to the elevator. Regrettably, I couldn't back out of the double date, since Hank had already accepted. Thankfully, Chris was out with some co-workers, so I didn't need to give any explanations. I know, I know, he's not supposed to control who I date or not, but he always wants to know everything. "I wouldn't say we made out," I pointed out, my lips still tingling at the thought of Sebastian, "it was a quick kiss."

"You said he kissed you deep, and you reciprocated." Laura resumed. "Isn't that making out?"

"Not really, it lasted only a few seconds." I shrugged as we stepped in the elevator.

"Don't tell me you chickened out." She laughed.

I heaved a deep sigh. "I got a call I needed to answer to."

Laura stared at me, well, pretty much shot me such a disappointed glare that I kind of felt sorry for the kids she teaches to if they get her mad. "Let me guess, Mr. Painfully Oblivious called his kitten back to him."

I rolled my eyes. "You know I hate it when you say such things."

"I mean, you are his pet, Vivian, let's be honest." Laura grumbled. "You do everything together, you never do what you want if he disagrees. You spend an abominably high amount of time literally on his lap. If that's not a pet, I don't know what is."

I would have been offended, but I knew what she meant. It's not like I don't do pretty much everything Chris wants. "He doesn't boss me around," I sighed, having to repeat the same thing over and over again with her, since she accuses him of that a lot. According to Laura, Chris knows he's my weak spot, and sometimes he exploits it.

"Sure, no, he just convinces you to agree with him."

I sent her a dirty look. "Are you saying Chris manipulates me?"

Laura sighed, probably have noticed I was getting mad. Just as the elevator door opened, since we'd reached the ground floor, she placed her hands on my shoulders, looking straight into my eyes as she spoke: "Viv, I'm sorry if I'm harsh sometimes, okay? I don't hate Chris, we're friends, and I understand he means a lot to you," she paused, pursing her lips, "but the way you live for him more than just with him, it's not healthy, and you know that."

"We're ..."

"More than friends but less than lovers," she rolled her eyes, "yeah, I know. You keep saying that. It doesn't mean you should save yourself for him."

"I don't, I didn't, I ... there was Brian, and ..."

"And nobody else." Laura pulled back, and we got out of the elevator, but she went on, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking as well. "Viv, I love you, and I'm worried about you." She said sincerely, then pointed at Nick's car waiting for us not too far away. "But this is your first date in years."

"Well, I took a break, it's normal," I tried to justify, but I didn't really believe it myself.

"This is not a break, Viv, and you know that." Laura sighed, hinting at my heart. "This is you unconsciously sitting there, waiting, hoping Chris will make up his mind." She braced herself, as if those words hurt her more than me. "In the meantime, he's had his experiences."

"Lala ..."

"You said it yourself, how many girls in 10 years?"

I sighed, looking away. "Seventeen."

"And that's only the relationships. Let's not even count the hook-ups."

"He's not that kind of guy." I defended weakly, but remembering the Cherise thing way too clearly. He didn't want to tell me details, but the way he talked about her, and the fact that she called him late at night ... not even I am that dumb.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now