Chapter 21

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"Stop pouting," Laura rolled her eyes, "I didn't tell you because you had a lot on your plate." She grimaced at her soda, especially because Beth and I were drinking mojito. Well, I was, Beth left hers on the table to go dance with a cute brunette. I sincerely hope it'll be just dancing, because even though they've hit a rough patch, she still has a girlfriend. Jen is currently out of town, which probably means they're taking a break, but it still would be cheating.

"Well, I'm apologizing regardless," I grinned at Laura, and when she scoffed, I just gave her a side hug, careful not to spill her soda nor hit her belly.

She patted my hand that was on her shoulder. "It's alright," she sighed, "the situation with ..." she waved her free hand in dismissal, "you know who ... it's rough per se. You really deserve a break from everything and everyone."

"Yeah, but I shouldn't have neglected you." I placed a wet kiss on her cheek, which caused her to lightly giggle. "You were panicking because of the wedding, and now the pregnancy ... I left you alone to fend for yourself and I'm sorry."

"Viv ..." Laura smiled, "I'm not mad, really." She pursed her lips. "I did miss you, though." We both grinned, especially when I kissed her cheek again.

At least I saved one friendship. The other one may be shattered beyond repair. I haven't even heard from Chris since that night. Not that I want to, but since he's in the wrong, I'd have expected him to at least try to reach out. But maybe it was really all in my imagination.

At the same time, however, it's better if we really stay away from each other for a while. Right now, the only thing that passes hurt is anger, and I don't want resentment to mount to a point where I can't forgive him anymore. After 20 years, I want to try and save the savable, but I cannot do that until I feel like this. The months in London will certainly help.

"For the record," Laura said after having dejectedly finished her soda, "I told Nick that the bastard is banned from our apartment."

"Lala ..."

"No, don't." She held up a finger, turning her whole body to me. The bump on her belly was beginning to be noticeable, but she's only two months pregnant. "Don't even try to defend him. What he did was despicable, so horrible that I can't even find the words to describe it." She huffed. "I should have known he was such a toxic bitch."

"Lala, come on ... you guys are friends, too."

"No." She repeated the statement with her index finger. "You are my friend, he was an accessory I was forced to endure."

"I don't believe that." I rolled my eyes. "You might be mad now, but you guys are friends. I hope you can find a way to forgive him." This is one of the things I worried about these past few days. I didn't even want to say anything to anyone, but in the end, I had to. Be it only because I couldn't keep on ignoring my friends, and Chris probably talked to Nick and Shane anyway. I really don't want our group to split up because of this.

"Forgive him?" Laura gasped. "Are you crazy?" She raised her hand to call the bartender again. "I will never forgive him for what he did to you. Never." She gritted her teeth. "I already told Nick he better find another best man, because sure as hell I don't want that bastard at my wedding."

I sighed. "Lala, come on ... you know Nick and Chris are close, you can't just forbid them to see each other."

"I don't." She chugged down another soda like it was the most alcoholic drink ever, which made me think she's going to be a quite difficult pregnant lady. "Nicky can hang out with him all he wants, but not when I'm around." Laura claimed. "And he's not coming to the wedding, period."

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now