Chapter 22

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"Why are you staring at me?" Beth grumbled, her voice muffled by the pillow.

I was beginning to panic. I had no idea what to say or do. The only thing that made sense was to scream. How could I be so irresponsible?

"Viv?" Beth raised her head to look at me, albeit still drowsy. "Are you alright?"

I didn't reply, confused as ever. I didn't even remember anything. The last thing I recall was getting extra drunk with Beth, I don't even know how did we end up to her apartment, let alone in bed. When Beth touched my knee, I nearly screeched. What about Sebastian? Does this mean I'm a cheater now?

"Viv ..." my friend called again with a sigh. When she sat up, I childishly closed my eyes, even though I've seen her naked plenty of times before today. "Are you sick?" Beth brushed my forehead to check my temperature. "What's the matter with you?"

She sounded so normal, as if nothing had happened. "I'm sorry." I murmured, not knowing what else to say.

"About what?"

I winced. "Well ..."

When I felt the bed dip a little, I opened my eyes, and saw Beth standing up. She wasn't naked at all, just wearing one of her skimpy night outfits. The sheets covering her probably fooled me. I was indeed naked, though. Fully naked.

Beth stretched, then groaned a bit, turning to me. When she noticed my predicament, she frowned. "Uh ... Viv, you do know you're as naked as a baby, right?" As if on cue, I gripped the sheets tighter to cover myself, but Beth chuckled. "Oh, honey, no, between the light fabric and the sunlight, that sheet is pretty much see-through regardless." Embarrassed, I grabbed a pillow, and covered my chest with it, feeling my cheeks redden. "Relax," Beth laughed, "it's nothing I haven't seen yet." She winked.

That made me feel even more embarrassed and stupid. "What ..." I cleared my throat. "What did we ... I mean, last night, did we ..."

She frowned, seemingly confused for a moment. After a few seconds, she gasped without a sound, then laughed. "Oh, God, no!" Beth guffawed. "I mean, you're hot and all, Viv, but no, just no." She shook her head.

I felt relieved, actually I did let out a loud sigh of relief. "Why am I naked, then?" I inched the pillow closer to my chest.

Beth smirked, a bit impishly. "I mean ... I said we didn't do anything. I didn't say you didn't try ..."


She went on laughing her head off. "I gotta say, now I understand why your Sebastian calls you a goddess." She winked. "When you're in sexy mode, it gets really difficult to resist."

"Oh, my God ..." my cheeks flushed.

"But you were drunk out of your mind and ..." she pursed her lips, as if unsure whether she should utter the next words or not. In the end, she did: "Don't take this the wrong way, but ... I kind of, maybe, made a promise to Chris."

"A promise?"

"Uh ... you know, we had a bit of a game in college, like, who gets the most girls."

She waved her hand in the air as if that was supposed to be common knowledge, but I had no idea. I merely nodded, not wanting to open another can of worms when it comes to Chris and his conveniently loose definition of honesty.

"Well, some girls were off limits." Beth went on explaining as she rummaged through her closet. "The first name on is off limits list was, obviously, yours."

I frowned. "I'm as straight as it gets." I mused without thinking.

Beth chuckled. "Oh, I know," she turned her head to me just to wink, "but I've got my charms." That made me laugh a bit, cheering me up the slightest. "So, yeah, nothing happened, don't worry." Phew. "Besides, my heart is set on someone else in our group.

Best Friends Don't Sleep Together - A.H. Series #1Where stories live. Discover now