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First Rage chapter of many.


I stared at my prez obsessing over his mate. She's the only thing he can't hurt. Everyone here is afraid of their prez accidentally slipping and hurting someone. I know he won't dare hurt his club but that's the reputation he's given himself.

I spun the blade in my hand as a new hang around glanced at Emily. It wouldn't be the first one Alpha let me rip apart. He hasn't killed since before Emily was pregnant, but I know he's itching for it. Wait until I tell him about this one.

These little boys have been coming in to check out the girls. Some of them disappear with the bunnies while others find it more interesting to check out the mates.

It's been a couple days since Melanie has come back to the club. She has dance classes everyday at two. Three hours she's out practicing. I think she mentioned a recital or something next week. The mates have been talking about buying tickets for it.

"Rage," I heard a sweet voice say next to me. Melanie was nervously standing next to me with her purple dance bag.

I looked up at her giving her my full attention.

"C- can you take me t- to dance." She asked. It made me upset that she was so scared of me. I don't know why. I felt like if anyone here shouldn't fear me, it was her. "I mean, you don't have too, it's just that Emily isn't feeling good today and everyone else is busy. I can walk if I need to-"

"I'll take you." I nodded. Melanie looked at me in slight shock before smiling.

"Thank you!" She said and turned to walk to the door. My bike was parked in the front along with some other members. The only one that doesn't ride their bike all the time is Alpha.

I followed the small girl out to my bike. She knew exactly which one is mine. Which caused a strange feeling to erupt inside my chest. It was strange.

I stored her bag under the seat before throwing my leg over. Mel struggled to get on behind me which made me chuckle.

"It's not my fault everyone in this club is basically a giant." She huffed.

I felt myself smile as I took off down the road to her studio. I've memorized the trip. I've been going to watch the front of the studio the last two days now. Alpha had agreed when I brought up her needing more protection. It felt good to know she was safe under my watch.

When we pulled up she reluctantly hopped off the bike. The warmth she had created suddenly lost.

"Thank you! See you later!" Mel waved and headed inside. A skinny old women with grey hair greeted her. She must be her teacher.

I waited for a few minutes before my phone went off. I saw it was Alpha and answered.

"What?" I asked.

"You need to get back to the club house. The red skulls have been spying on us." He said. I swore before revving my bike up.

"Who's going to pick Mel up?" I have a feeling this is going to take awhile.

"I'll have one of the guys go get her." Alpha assured.

"Those fuckers better not bring their bikes." I grumbled.

"I'll have the truck for them." He said. He was mocking me but if Emily was in her place, he'd be going crazy.

"Alright, I'm coming." I finally said.

It took me ten minutes to get to the club house. Cerberus was waiting for me and took me to the meeting room.

Alpha was at the head, Bruiser to his right and the one to his left empty for me. Ghost sat next to my seat than Cerberus next to him. Rogue was next than Carbon at the end. Next to Bruiser was Hex, than Darius and Zane. Logan sat at the other end of the table opposite Alpha.

After we made sure everyone was here, we locked the door since this was a private meeting. Cerberus and I got into our seats as Alpha began.

"All of you are aware of the current situation, correct?" Alpha asked. Everyone nodded. "Good, because this needs to get taken care of before they make their way in here." Alpha slammed his hand on the table.

"I got the cameras up." Hex said.

"I'll keep the staff at the parlor to a minimum." Cerberus said looking to me. I nodded agreeing.

"We won't go into lock down yet. Let them think we don't know." Alpha said.

"If any of you see a Red Skull report it. Rage you should start taking Mel to her classes from now on. After her show we'll appoint her a prospect." Bruiser looked to me. I wanted to protest about the prospect but I had no right, she wasn't claimed.

"I'll get the Red Skulls location." Logan said as he opened his phone, probably calling Ethan.

"When we go out I need the prospects and other members to understand the rules. If anyone disobey them," Alpha turned to me and the two enforcers. "You three know what to do."

"Right." Ghost nodded.

"Should we stay in the compound?" Rogue asked.

"No, I'll bring Emily in but you and Ghost don't have to. Your women are capable if needed." Alpha said. "Anything else?" Nobody had anything else. "Adjourned." Alpha said and was the first one out.

I was the last as I made my way to my room. This is a problem. We've had enough problems with other mafias and gangs. We were lucky enough that the Russian mob wanted to work with Logan, otherwise we would be dead.

I remembered Melanie and how she was suddenly going to be thrown into this situation. She shouldn't have to, we should have let her go. Maybe she would have been safer running on her own.

Why do I even care? Why is she in my brain? She was like any other girl. She'd find a love in anyone else who isn't an absolute psychopath like me.

I rested my head in my hands and pulled at my hair. Shit I needed to stop. She's here because Emily wanted her to stay. I shouldn't even look in her direction. Emily already warned me.

I heard a knock at the door. Bruiser walked in, he wasn't happy like usual, he seemed concerned.

"You need to speak with Emily." He said.

I rolled my eyes. Why. I signed. I was too upset to speak to anyone right now.

"Because of this." Bruiser gestured to me. "I can tell you've been pulling on your hair. Alpha had the same problem.

I don't have a problem. I quickly signed. Bruiser sighed.

"Fine. But if you make this poor girl think she has any chance, Emily will murder you. She already tried to murder Ghost when Vanessa showed up crying." He warned me.

Leave. I gestured. Bruiser rolled his eyes but left. I kicked my boots off and laid back in my bed. It'll go away, it always does. I thought as I fell into a sleep.

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