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I apologize for the late update. Her you go.


I am really grateful for my friends. Sitting by the fire snuggled into Dominic is like a dream come true. It was so warm. I never had a fire with dad. It was always work. Dance dance dance. And I love ballet, but I love family too.

The club was my new family and Dominic was a big part of it. I just loved him with all my heart.

The view changed and suddenly I was in a cold bed. Dominic was gone. Did I dream the fire? What's going on.

Maybe I should get some water. And a blanket. It was freezing. I grabbed a throw and headed for the kitchen. The only problem was this wasn't the clubhouse. It was our house. Unfinished. Holes were in the walls, lights were flickering. It's supposed to be brand new, what happened.

"Hello?" I called. No answer. I don't remember moving in here. Is this another dream? It's an awfully cold dream.

I looked out this window and saw snow. I love snow! I only got to play in it after a show. Otherwise, dance.

I decided to find the living room. Maybe I could sit in there for a little bit. Find out what's going on. Was I sick?

The only problem is there was not a living room. It was just an empty room. What happened. I have to be either insane or dreaming. I turned around only to feel as though a truck smashed into me in that split second. The fell to the ground and opened my eyes to another room. A hospital? Why was it so bright? Why did my entire body feel like it was on fire.

Machines were attached to my arms and a loud snoring was heard next to me. What is going on? Which dream is real? Where is Dominic?

My chest suddenly felt like it was constricting. I couldn't breathe and the sudden beeping didn't make it better. This was a panic attack. I can't breathe. It's been so long since I've had one.

My thoughts became a jumbled mess as I tried to focus on my breathing. It didn't work and the beeping seemed to alert nurses as they filed into the room. One nurse tried to talk to me but I couldn't understand anything. I couldn't see anything either as my vision began to blur. Before I knew it, I was out again.

When I finally opened my eyes again, the room was dark. A window was open letting a cool air flow through the room. The sound of cars passing by on the road was calming. Since it was the middle of winter, the usual sound of crickets was missing.

Next to me I saw Dominic asleep in a chair. That can't be comfortable for him. He looks twice the size. Wait why was he in a chair. Where was I?

I tried to sit up, but failed. My arms were weak and felt like I had cut them off. Was I in a hospital? It smelled weird in here.

I tried my hardest to wake up Dominic. My voice had disappeared along with my ability to move. I could here the heart monitor next to me and decided to try something. I sucked in as much air as possible and held my breath. It didn't take long for the monitors to start beeping. Dominic woke up immediately.

"Why aren't you breathing?" Was the first thing he asked. He hasn't even realized I was awake.

I shook my head and let the breath out. I did not anticipate the nurses rushing into the room to check up on me.

"Are you ok? What happened?" A nurse asked. I just shook my head. Everything else felt like it weighed fifty pounds.

"We need to check some things." Another nurse said. She pulled up something on a computer while the other nurse took out the IV on my arm and used a stethoscope to check my chest.

"She's sounds stable. Vitals are good." A nurse said. Dominic was standing with his arms crossed next to the bed. As soon as the nurses left, he leaned down and nuzzled into my neck. I enjoyed the sudden affection from him.

Soon he lifted his head and left a kiss on my lips. I could tell he hadn't showered in a couple days. What happened?

"How do you feel?" He asked. I shook my head. He understood that meant not good. "Fuck I want to take it from you." He said and lowered his head back into my neck. I shook my head again. I don't think I could see him like this. Seeing him shot was enough. Whatever happened to me must be bad and I don't wish that for him.

"Do you remember what happened?" Dominic asked. His voice was raspy. Was he crying?

I shook my head. I can't remember anything. The last thing I remembered was... my father taking me. Oh no. The memory flooded back to me. He tried to burn me. Did he do it?

I tried to sit up to check my tattoo. It was the worst pain I've ever felt, but I needed to see.

"It's gone." Dominic confirmed. "He burned it off. Your arms are burned too. I'm so sorry, Babygirl. I failed you." I shook my head. He didn't fail me. It wasn't his fault.

Dominic stood up to examine me. His eyes had tears in them. He was crying. How bad was it? How long was I out? He started signing something, but I hadn't learned enough to understand completely. Something about going home and we were still in Maine. I wonder if Emily was ok. Was Hannah? What about the others?

Dominic stopped after he realized I couldn't understand him. He gave me a sorry look before leaving the room. He was wearing jeans that looked like he's been in them for days, and a white shirt that completely exposed his tattoos. Where did he go?

I tried once again to sit up or talk. Nothing happened. It did tire me out though. Before I knew it, I was back to falling asleep.

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