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I wish Dominic would let me pay for something. So far he has paid for the fancy hotel and the fancy food. He's paid for gas. He's paid for tolls and even a single bottle of coke I picked up at a gas station. He won't let me do anything. He insists on changing my bandages which really isn't that bad. I enjoy his help.

He also informed me Emily's birthday has gone and passed. Today was actually my birthday and I know he knows that. It was our second night and we found a place to stay in Ohio. We drove twelve hours yesterday and Dominic again to stay in a expensive hotel again. How much money can this man have. Actually I shouldn't even ask that.

I woke up warm. It was winter and relatively cold. Luckily we could control the heat in the room and it was nice.

I got up after many attempts and headed for the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror for a few moments staring at my reflection. I looked like I went to war. It didn't help that I was wearing one of Dominic's shirts that was absolutely huge on me and covered my thighs. I only had underwear on underneath, but that's all I've ever slept in.

I carefully started lifting the bandage on my right arm. I wanted to do it myself today.

The bandage peeled away from my skin leaving the tingly feeling. I ran my fingers down the burn feeling myself tear up. I can never dance again. I'd never be as desirable in the dance world again.

After I removed each of my bandages, not as gently as Dominic, I stared at the wounds. They looked horrifying. Like from a horror movie. If kids thought I was scary before, they will think I'm terrifying now.

"Melanie." Dominic called from inside the bedroom. I quickly straightened myself up when I heard his footsteps get closer. "Babygirl, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I just want to go home." I said. Dom sighed from the other side of the door.

"Almost." He said. "Let me in, Babygirl." He asked

"I'm just... just going to the bathroom." I responded. I wanted to do this myself. I hated he had even seen me this way.

I attempted to put the ointment on myself, but failed miserably. I began crying. Why can't I do anything myself. I thought my father could do nothing worse than leave me with the scar across my face, I was wrong. He ruined me even more. How can Dominic still look at me after seeing my burns. I look like a belong in a horror movie.

"Melanie, let me in." Dom demanded from the other side of the door. I gave in. I need his help anyway.

Reluctantly I opened the door. Dominic saw the tears in my eyes and pushed his was into the bathroom. "Give me the damn cream." He said and put his hand out. I handed him the bottle with my head down.

I gasped in shock when I was lifted onto the counter. Dominic stood between my legs with a very angry expression. Great.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. I just shrugged. It reminded me of the first time he comforted me. I was unsure than, and for some reason, I am unsure now. "Melanie, please. I hate when you cry." 

"How can you look at me?" I managed to get out.

Dominic's eyes softened. He began to apply the cream while he spoke. "You will always be beautiful, Babygirl. I loved you before and I still love you now." He said. How did he always know what to say?

My ProtectorΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα