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Check the extra chaps Wednesday!
Something extra for such little posting I've been doing. 😭

Dominic had become more clingy, just as Emily said he would. Sometimes I prefer it, other times, I don't. For instance now. I was at the furniture store picking out furniture for our house and Dominic was glued to my side.

"I like this one." I pointed to a soft grey couch. We decided to stick to a darker scale for the house. It fits Dom's personality and my... recent lifestyle.

If you like it. Dominic signed. I sighed. Everything I've pointed out he just agrees.

We were getting no where. "I'll make a list of what I like and come back." I told the nice associate. She waved us goodbye as I dragged Dom out.

"Why didn't you get anything?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't want to be the only one picking stuff out." I said. Dom looked like he was going to say something but kept his mouth shut.

He helped me on the back of his bike before taking off. Back to the clubhouse.

On the way we passed Cerberus's shop. I have an appointment today, soon actually. I'll need Dom distracted. 

We made our way into the club. It was lively as always. The only odd thing was Hex. He's never down here. He had his laptop open and typing furiously.

"What you got?" Dom asked him. Hex looked up about to answer when he saw me.

"Um, Hannah wanted to talk to you." Hex pointed to the church room. Why was he kicking me out? I knew if it was club business I should stay out. I could only hope Dominic would tell me later.

I gave each of them a quick glance before leaving. Hannah was indeed in the church room. She was decorating it with Christmas decorations.

"Hi Mel!" She smiled when she noticed me. "I figured we get into the Christmas spirit I little early." I agreed. I haven't really celebrated Christmas before so I didn't really know how it all worked. I guess all holidays were pushed to the back burner in my fathers house.

"Do you mind going with me to Cerberus's?" I asked her. I was really nervous. Tattoos were always taboo in my house. It ruined my body for dance. I wanted to escape that though. I loved dance but I loved Dom more. And I needed a mate tattoo.

"Of course! I'm so excited. Let's go now!" Hannah set a garland down and pulled me out of the room. Before we got to the door Dominic stopped us.

"Where are you going?" He asked. He was not too happy.

"Shopping." Hannah lied. I could tell Dom knew she was lying.

"Don't lie to me woman." He glared at her. Hannah glared back.

"Rogue is going." Hannah said. I wasn't sure if she was lying about that, but Dom was still suspicious.

"Show me?" He demanded. Hannah pointed outside where, indeed, Rogue was waiting in Hannah's jeep. "Fine." Dominic gave me a gentle kiss before signing something.

Call me for anything. He signed. I nodded before being dragged out by Hannah.

I don't think I have ever actually been in Cerberus's shop before. It fit the biker vibe perfectly. It was pretty open and rustic.

"Welcome in girls." Cerberus greeted. He was drawing over on an art table. He looked comfortable in his space.

"Little Rina is getting her first tattoo." Hannah clapped her hands together. She was more excited than I was.

"I have some designs." Cerberus got up to show us some ideas. They were all gorgeous, every detail was perfectly thought of.

He had a total of three designs set out. I was not sure where I wanted it, but Emily suggested my shoulder blade. I had a scar there much like the one on my face. I hated it.

I picked up an artwork of a wolf that looked angry. The wolf's mouth was open in a threatening way and looked to be ready to pounce. The eyes were scarlet red giving more into the angered look. On the side of the wolf was a girl in a ballet costume. It was beautiful.

"Can I have this." I pointed to it. Cerberus nodded and grabbed the paper.

"I'll set up. Don't touch that." Cerberus smacked Rogue's hand from the bowl of candy. Rogue has been eating them this entire time.

It didn't take long for Cerberus to call me over. His station was nice. Everything was black and his gun even had a motorcycle sticker on it. I found it funny.

Hannah sat in a chair next to me on the other side. I had to lay down on my stomach in only my bra. It was weird but I knew the boys respected me.

"You got this girl! Emily got through hers just fine. And she's super sensitive!" Hannah assured me.

"Ha." Cerberus chuckled. I'm going to ignore that.

"Sweetheart, come her." Rogue called for Hannah. She gave me a soft smile before walking to her mate.

"Yes?" She asked. They continued talking about some artwork Cerberus had hanging on his wall.

Meanwhile I held my breath. I was afraid of the pain, even though I've been through worse with dance. Pointe shoes are no joke.

"Alright, this will probably take a few days to finish." Cerberus warned. I only nodded. "You know, I can call him here if you need it." He offered.

"No, I can do it." I said determined. I can do this.

"Alright, three, two..." Before he even got to one he started. It felt like a really badly paper cut. Honestly though, it was not bad. I could feel myself relax when I realized it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

"You're doing amazing!" Hannah exclaimed. Cerberus had given me one break already. He had gotten through the outlines in the last hour. Rogue was still hanging around. He's been given a pen and paper while he waits.

"Her man would be proud." Cerberus agreed with Hannah. I blushed thinking about Dom approving of the tattoo. I couldn't wait for his reaction. He was the most inked out of anyone in the club. I wasn't even sure how he could fit my name and a pair of ballet shoes in there, but I love him for it.

"Speak of the devil." Rogue held up his phone as it began to ring. "Someone's in trouble." He chuckled and answered.

"Where the hell are you?" Dominic yelled through the phone.

"Shopping." Rogue answered. Lies.

"Bullshit. Melanie hasn't answered her phone and neither has Hannah." Dominic yelled again.

"Would you like to speak to Rina?" Rogue is asked the very angry man. A deep mumble was heard. Rogue, taking that as a yes, handed me the phone.

"Hello, my love." I smiled into the phone,

"Be at the club in twenty minutes." He demanded before hanging up. Well that was rude.

"Guess this is the end of the first part. I'd say a couple more days." Cerberus said. He cleaned up before putting a bandage over it to protect it.

Hannah helped me sit up. At first I was a little light headed. I was given a seven up and some crackers. Eventually I felt better. Hannah helped me to the backseat and off we went.

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