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The pool party is going pretty well. I went swimming for a bit with the girls. Well the girls except Emily. She sat on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. Lucian wouldn't let her get in. Though Emily could swim easily in the shallow area, Lucian was still afraid of the amount of people in the pool.

The boys had gotten in the pool a little bit ago. Not Rage though. He has yet to even take his shirt off. It was eighty degrees outside and I know he has to be sweating. Really though, I kind of want to see what he looks like without a shirt.

"Im so excited! I'm going to have a little baby soon and than Hannah is going to have a baby!" Emily smiled.

"Yup!" Hannah nodded. She was super excited. Though Vanessa looked a little sad. Was she not happy for Hannah?

"Vanessa are you ok?" I asked her.

"Oh, uh..." Vanessa seemed more uncomfortable now. I wonder what's wrong.

"You don't-" Emily started but was cut off by very loud shouting. We turned to find two of the prospects that came fighting. I wasn't aware prospects even came to events like this, but Emily told me they have to earn their patch through more than just runs.

"Oh no." Josie said and pointed towards the boys. Rage and Ghost were already heading towards the two fighting boys. They really were boys compared to Rage. They were probably half his size. Even Ghost was much larger than them.

"What the fuck are you shouting about?" Rage yelled at the two. He was really angry.

"Sorry, Sir." One of them apologized.

"Stay out of our business!" The other one shouted back.

"That's definitely not good." Hannah sighed. "Hurry, let's go by the boys." She said and started pushing us out. Something was about to happen, and it wasn't good.

"Who do you think you are talking to boy?" Ghost took a step closer.

"I know who I'm talking to, but you should stay out of our business." The prospect snapped back at him.

"Cerberus," Lucian nodded towards us. Cerberus nodded and stood next to us. What was Rage going to do that we needed protection.

"Get out." Rage growled at the boy. His voice was very low and I could tell he was upset.

"No. Your not my prez," The prospect said and folded his arms. "and, I haven't even had a taste of the new flavor." He said and glanced in my direction. A shiver went up my spine. What did he mean by that? Did he think I was a biker bunny?

A loud crack was heard throughout the whole yard. Rage had punched the prospect. The boy had fallen to the ground and I'm pretty sure Rage knocked him out.

"Oh shit," Vanessa swore. For the first time since I've been here actually.

"Back off, Rage." Lucian ordered. Rage took a step away from the unconscious body. He was breathing heavy and his muscles were still tense.

"Ghost take the boy to Logan's basement. We'll let him out when he's awake." Lucian said.

I was still stuck on the fact that Rage just knocked him out with one punch. I mean, the boy wasn't a toothpick, he still had some meat on him. But Rage just knocked him out. How crazy were these men.

Rage turned towards me and I gasped. His eyes were dark, the intent to kill that boy was there. He wanted to. That punch was meant to do more than knock the boy out.

Rage's expression softened slightly before he said something to Lucian and disappeared into the house.

"He's angry, angry." Emily said. She was rubbing her belly protectively.

"His name is Rage." Hannah said.

"You should go check on him." Josie said. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"He'd probably punch me for disturbing him like he did that kid!" I crossed my arms.

"No he won't, he won't hit a women." Vanessa said.

"I don't think he'd want to see me." I finally said. I was still the new girl here.

"Trust me, you've only been here just over two weeks and he already only has eyes for you." Josie laughed. The girls all agreed. How has everyone else noticed this but me?

"If I go in there and he yells at me, I'm blaming you." I pointed at all the girls. They just looked at each other and smirked.

"Ok, have fun!" Hannah sang. I sighed but turned to head into the house. I guess I have to go calm down the beast.

The house was silent. A pin could drop on the other side of the house and I could hear it. I would definitely not think a raging man was hiding in here.

"Rage?" I called. It was useless, why would he answer me if he was hiding?

I had no idea where I was going or how many rooms this mansion had, but I was not looking through all of them. Rage was most likely on the first floor. I doubt he'd go through the trouble of going up the thousand of stairs just to be upset in a room.

I check the first few doors in the hall. A closet, a bathroom, a meeting room, etc. Luckily only a few rooms were down the hall so I didn't have to spend too much time there. I passed a study on my way towards who knows where. It had very tall bookshelves filled with probably not-so-fun books.

After a few more random rooms I found the kitchen. It was very large actually. Dark granite counters, black cabinets, white chairs. It was gorgeous. And so was the man sitting at the island. I never thought I would think of a back as hot, but he had kind of a hot back.

"Rage?" I said as I stepped to stand next to him. I didn't want to scare him and end up like the prospect.

He didn't answer me, just gave me a grunt. I sighed and sat in the seat next to him. I realized he was drinking straight from a whiskey bottle.

"Are you... ok?" I asked cautiously. I don't want to overstep any boundaries with this man. I just saw what he could do when he's angry, and I don't even think he completely angry.

"Fine." He said. Yup, does not want to talk to me.

"I'll just sit here than." I said. I have to at least try and make sure he's ok. And as much as I tell the girls otherwise, I like to be near Rage. My stomach always tickles when I'm close to him.

After about ten minutes of silence, I realized Rage really didn't want to talk. I decided I'll sit here until he says something, wether it be go away or actually explaining what's wrong.

My ProtectorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin