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Today was the day of Melanie's show. The girls were the most excited of course. They have been talking about it all day.

Over the last week I have been taking her to her classes. We don't talk much, but I am starting to enjoy her company. I'm still not sure about how I feel about her though. I have gotten closer than I expected. The only women I have ever had a relationship with was my mother, and that barely existed.

I throw my leg off my bike as everyone pulled up next to me. The guys and the mates rode in trucks, except for the twins and Carbon. Bruiser, Cerberus and Logan stayed back at the club to keep an eye on it.

"Luci, are you coming in?" I heard Emily ask. She was very emotional so Lucian better choose his words wisely.

"If you would like, darling." Lucian said. Emily nodded. I could tell Lucian did not want to go, but he followed his mate in non the less.

"Go on." Rogue said from beside me. I gave him a confused look. "Go watch the show. We all see it." He patted my shoulder before turning to give orders. Usually that was my job, but Rogue wanted me in there.

I decided to take the chance and go inside. The girls had already paid for an extra ticket, I think they are scheming.

After I found the girls and Lucian, I took a seat on the inside. Emily took the outside in case she had to get up. Hannah sat next to her than Vanessa and Josephine. Lucian sat on the edge of the group so I sat next to him. He raised a brow when I sat down.

What? I signed.

"What are you doing in here? Looking for someone?" He chuckled. If he wasn't my Prez he'd have a sore eye.

It took longer than necessary for the show to begin and once it did I was already over it. First was these little girls about eight through ten. That dance seemed painstakingly slow. The next one was older girls and a little better. A few were not ballet, they didn't wear the weird block shoes.

After an insane amount of time, Melanie came on. Holy shit did my view on ballet suddenly change.

The way she glided around the stage was mesmerizing. Her movements were soft but full of hard emotion. She was expressing the things she couldn't speak through every arm movement.

I felt like a kid in a giant candy store watching her gracefully dance around the stage. I've also never realized how gorgeous her legs were. Did they always look so toned and long. Though I know she is not tall at all, she looked confident enough that I'd believe her if she told me she was taller than me.

When she was done she did a small bow before looking up quickly and scanning the crowd. She was looking for us. Her eyes took one look over the crowd before they found mine. A small smile graced her face as she turned and ran off the stage.

"Well, well," Hannah teased as she leaned forward in her seat.

"What?" I grumbled.

"When's the wedding." Hannah laughed before settling down for the next performance. How much more of this!

"She's in four more." Vanessa whispered. When I scrunched my brows together she whispered again, "You look like you want to leave, not yet!"

The next one she was on she had a partner. A male partner. Then amount of times he lifted her or put his hands on her leg or hip, I don't even know why I'm getting upset. She isn't mine and it's for her dance. I just focused on watching her.

I was glad when it was finally over. Each dance Melanie was in was fine. Watching her was entrancing. It was the other ones. The ones I didn't care about. The girls were happily chatting over it while we waited for Mel. Lucian stood protectively behind Emily while I stayed on the other side of the girls. Some of the women exiting the auditorium gave both Lucian and I some looks that definitely were not being reciprocated. Lucian obviously had no interest in that and I am currently focused on someone else right now. As much as I wish I could protect Mel from myself, I want her more than anything. Especially after watching her dance.

So sorry for the short chapter. I hope the cute Rage moment made up for it!

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