Chapter 26

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                        Primrose's POV
He went back to rocking her. He held her until, she relaxed a bit.

This poor girl.

All she wanted to do was, play with her friend..


Does anyone even know why he did it?

"Shhh. Daddy's got you. You're one day closer, to being all better."

He held her closer to him.

"Hey Prim? Can you go get her tablet and headphones?"

"Yeah. Sure."

I went upstairs and grabbed what Onyx asked for. I brought it downstairs. I handed it to Onyx.

"Here princess."

He turned the tablet on. He plugged in her headphones.

"It can't be too loud okay? I don't want you to hurt your ears."

She nodded. He put her headphones on her. I saw her using her tablet. She adjusted herself. He started rubbing her arm.

"That's the worst one yet."

He kissed the top of her head.

"You okay now?"



"Can I take a nap?"

"Yes. Your medicine makes you tired. Do you want me to hold you or, do you want me to bring you to your room?"

"Can you hold me?"


She rubbed her left eye as she yawned. Onyx put one of his knees up. She propped her tablet, up against Onyx's knee.



"Ca-can I play with your bracelet?"

He nodded. He handed her, his wrist. She started spinning his rope bracelet, around his wrist.



"I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

"I love you mommy."

Me and Onyx started staring at each other.

"I-I love you too Marionette."

After a while, her eyes started to flutter. She turned off her tablet then, put it down onto her chest. Her eyes shut. Onyx was still, rubbing her arm. He started rubbing her back too. She wrapped her arms around his arm.

"I-I don't think she's ever said that to you."

"Me too."

I sat down on the couch next to Onyx. I saw Marionette was sleeping peacefully.

"I hope she doesn't have nightmares again."

We started talking to Onyx's family.

"Nyx? Are you even listening?"

"Nope. Not at all. Too focused on making sure, my princess stays asleep."

"You seem like a great father son."

"Thanks. I'm doing my best."

"How has Marionette been?"

"Not well. She's been having nightmares."

"She's been sleeping in our room at night."

"You're seriously, going to sit there and hold her while she sleeps?"


"He's done it before."
                               Onyx's POV
"I know what I'm doing."

"Did you even plan on being a dad so young?"

I just gave my dad, a death stare.

"What are you tryna say?" I said through my teeth.

"If you're saying, my daughter is a mistake then, get the fuck outta my house."

I felt a hand go on my shoulder.

"Don't jump to conclusions Nyx."

"Don't get me wrong. I'm pissed at you still. You left Zander, Ty, and me alone while..while you went and had another family. We all, had to grow up too fast."

"What does that mean?"

"Mom's now engaged to a prick. He'd beat us all the time. When Marionette was born, I hardly slept. I was scared, I'd wake up and...and she'd be dead, hurt, or in the back of a CPS car."

I looked down at my daughter. I moved hair out of her face.

"When she was a baby, her crib was in my room. I'd lock my door at night. When mom demanded she get her own room, I put a baby monitor in her room. I've gone nights without sleep. I've gone days without eating. Sometimes, mom wouldn't go to the food store for weeks. All we had to eat or drink, was what was in the house. Everyone ate before me. I've almost died multiple times already. Yeah I was 14 when MJ was born. What the fuck is wrong with that? She's one of the best things that's ever happened to to me."

"I-I apologize. I didn't think, this would hurt you this much."

"Lemme ask you this. What did WE do to chase you away? Cause the way you said it, sounds like it sounds like the three of us are to blame."

"It's like I said. Your mother and I divorced. I didn't know how to tell you."


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