Chapter 84

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                                 Onyx's POV
"Thank god you moved to this town. I am extremely sorry for, causing so much trouble for you."

"Don't be. I'm your fiancée. I'm supposed to go through shit with you."

"I do not deserve you. I truly do not. You do all this shit for me and, I hardly do anything for you."

"You don't need to do anything for me. Just being with you is enough for me. I don't think, I need anything else from you. I'm carrying your child. Hey, look at me."

She cupped my face.

"Actually...I do need some things from you. I need you to be honest. I need you to be open. I need to know where you are, mental health wise. I'm not telling you that, I don't trust you. I trust you. I trust you 100%. And I know you trust me. You don't know this but, I constantly worry about you. There's nights where, I'm scared to sleep. I'm scared, I'll wake up and you'd be gone."

"I-I scare you?"

"Yes! Why do you think, I watch you when, you take your meds?"

"I-I am so sorry. I never thought of that."

"That's okay."

"I feel so selfish now."

"Don't be. We all need to be selfish, sometimes. Onyx you've gotta stop, tearing yourself down. There's gotta be a way that, I can make you stop doing that."

"Y-you help me?"

"Of course I do! We are in this together now! Where would you like me to start?"

"Huh? Start what?"

"Helping you."

She wiped away a few more tears. I put my hands on top of hers. She was still cupping my face.

"Is there any way, that can start me helping you?"

I nodded.

"Okay baby. Tell me."

"Please never take your ring off again." I said as my voice cracked.

"Alright. I won't. I wish, you told me this hurt you sooner."

"I didn't want to upset you."

"Onyx..sometimes you just have to upset me. If you don't then, how am I able to know what's on your mind?"

I sniffled.

"Here's another thing, I need from you."

I gulped.

"NEVER cut again. If you feel the need to, get me. I don't care if I'm sleeping. I don't care if I'm showering. I don't care what I'm doing. I will stop and help you. We can talk it out. I may not say the right things but, I'll do my best. If you want me to just hold you while you cry then, that's okay. I'll do it. You always do it for me."

She kissed me.

"A-are the kids sleeping?"

"Yes. They are taking a nap. Why?"

"I need you to hold me. Please...I-I think I'll feel better if you do."

"Okay. I will."

We walked over to our bed. She laid down and put her arms out. The moment I got in them, I started sobbing.

"There we go. I knew this was about to happen. I've got you."

She started scratching my head.

"Do you want your Xanax?"

"N-no. T-that'd have to get up. Please do not leave me."

"Alright. Okay. I will stay right here."

I started curling up into a ball.

"Baby...are you sure, you're telling me everything? You've never been this upset before. Did someone pass?"


I sniffled.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm not saying everything. Please don't force me."

"Okay. In that case, tell me when you're ready. Please do not tell me when, it's too late. Is there anyway, that could possibly relax you now?"

"I-it's not the right time."

"What would you like to do though?" 

                         Primrose's POV

He wants to...

I started kissing him.

"Is that what you wanted?"

He sniffled while he nodded.

"Okay. Do you want more than that?"

"I-I can have more? I-I won't force you?"

"Yes. You can have more. No. You won't force me."

He rubbed his left eye.

"Onyx? What's wrong?"

He sniffled.

"I don't feel loved by my family."

That broke my heart.

"Why not?"

He shrugged.

"Nobody really talks to me. I-I understand that, they have their own lives but..."

"You feel neglected?"

"Yes. I really do."

"Oh are loved. How do you not see that?"

"I-I do...sometimes at least. I know, I have you and the kids. A little bit of attention from the rest of my family, would be nice too."

"Hey, I have an idea. How about...we have a family day? Just the four of us. We could...take the kids somewhere. I'm sure, Mal doesn't know what the zoo is."

I sat up.

"Or...we could do a family dinner?"

"I love you but...I don't think..that is a good idea. If nobody shows do you think it'd make me feel?"

"Hmmm. You're right. I'm sorry. How about, we go to your brother's birthday party. You hardly see Axel."

"I don't get invited anywhere, anymore. I'm the one, who is responsible for that. If I'm actually the bastard child, it makes sense why...I'm never wanted around."

"Okay. That's it. I'm calling Christopher."

I went to get off our bed but, he grabbed my hand.

"Baby please don't. You might make this worse. My family loves you. We can't mess that up."

"Who said anything about, messing up?"

He gulped.

"You both have the same birthday yes?"

"Yes. Let him have the attention. I do not need, attention. I've made my bed. I've gotta lay in it."

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