rite of passage

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girlhood is dizzying diary pages filled with hope for tomorrow. innocent hallway crushes, and giggles. melting, sticky summer popsicles and sweet seedy watermelon. girlhood is less the flower and more the leaves—a supporting character in the journey to adult flowerhood. adolescence, young adulthood, teens—whatever you want to call it—is a tree in spring. the peak season, the peak four years, energy, light, and laughter. adolescence is your high school yearbook—a collection of blurred memories coated with the sweetness of nostalgia. adulthood is your eighteenth birthday. the last day you sat at your family kid's table, your last day in church, your final goodbye at graduation. adulthood, the flower of your life, the final maturation of the plant before it bears the fruit of wisdom that comes with age.

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