K., there's so much i still need to tell you

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"will i ever be good enough for you?", screaming at the face that mocks me in the mirror. reflecting with my reflection, i hope to one day realize what part of me turned him off to the idea of us. why i was so easily replaceable, if i could even call it a relationship. "i will never be good enough for him," though i know not what part of me has caused this rift, if any part at all. i can't help but to think i was a distraction from the girls who did not love him. maybe i'm just a placeholder for the female shaped void he needed filled. how he found a few moments of solace in our convoluted definition of relationship. now back where i started not knowing of his life.

sometimes rain, sometimes rainbow - poetry collectionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum