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Another bullet was lost inside someones head, as Sanzu was having fun shooting people. In the same time, y/n was interrogating some men. They were thigh up to their chairs and they were harmless to her, expecially since she was the only person armed in the room.
She started to hate this types of missions, she barely had to do anything, those men were dumb enough since once you show them a gun they immediately tell you about their whole life. She didn't have any action. And now that Sanzu is with her, she barely have to use her gun since he does it all.

"I don't care about why your wife dumped you." the female said as she was bored of one of the male life story, that is also the only man alive in the room. "I can tell why she left you though but I'm not your god damn psychologist. Just tell me what you know about Bonten and then you can die. Is that easy." she said now poiting the gun at his head.
"I swear i know nothing." the male screamed frightened. "The boss told us what to do!" he soon started crying.

How pathetic.

Maybe y/n was not understanding the idea of having a gun pointed at your head and how desperate you can be. But a man, a looking like a gorila man because of his big muscles, was scared for his life and crying after his mother. She admired men but some of them were just muscles and that's all.

"Who's your boss?"
"Hanma Shuji." the male quickly said, looking up at the woman hoping that answer will set him free.

How wrong he was. After hearing the name she immediately shoot him. Hanma was back in town and after connecting the dots she now knew who wanted bonten members heads. After betraying Mikey ,a long time ago before bonten was made, Hanma runned in the States to avoid dealing with an angry Mikey and make his life longer. However, it's not surprising. No one heard something about him in such a long time and everyone assumed he was dead or he just quit this type of things, trying to live a peaceful life.

"N/n!" Sanzu entered the room with a big smile on his face and covered in blood but soon let a shock cover his face. "You did a beautiful mess here." he said quickly putting a proudly smile on his face. "What did you find?" he said looking deep inside the woman's eyes.
"Their boss name. Though, I guess you are not interested since those 2 hours you beat people up for fun." she said smiling. "I'll call Mikey though." she said quickly walking past him with her hands upper so he couldn't catch her wrists.

As she exit the room, she took her phone out and quickly searched Mickey's numbet and call him.

"Yes, y/n." the male said as he accept the call.
"I found out something interesting in my mission with Sanzu." she said proudly. "The men, that we took care of, reviled their boss name. Hanma Shuji." she said curious about what answer he will give her.
"I understand. I'll make the Haitani's to find more about this. Good job, y/n." the male said quickly ending the call.

Exiting the building she light up a cigarette, waiting for Sanzu to get out. She probably will never understand why he wants to beat everyone up even after they are dead and stand no chance in front of him. It was useless. She thought it was the drugs effects, but she was pretty sure he didn't took anything today. Which could only lead to something else, maybe an unknown reason? Or maybe he was just a psycho. Only he knows. Though, she was curious but the things between them just didn't go to the way she wanted not in this moment. Since, being honest with herself, no man fucked her like that and she hated to admit that she wanted him. She reminds hearing the Haitani's talking about Sanzu and giving him a bad image and she quickly started to dislike him even though, by that time, she never saw or talked to him, but by Haitani's words, expecially Rindou's, Sanzu was a man she didn't want to deal with and truly hated him, yet she still acted all innocent at the meeting where she was paired up with him.

"Do you have one more?" she heard Sanzu's voice behind her.
"When you gonna pay for my cigarettes you will have." she said quickly throwing away the remaining of the cigarette.
"I already payed for your groceries and you saw what happened after. But of course, we can do that again without using the pretext of you owning me with something." he said patting her head. "No need to be shy about your needs with me, n/n." he said walking to car, the woman following him close with an annoying look.

It was to beautiful to be true but yet it was. It was maybe the only moment Sanzu waited for a long time. He waited to see y/n beside him, with him, making out with him, fucking her and the list can go on.
From the moment she joined bonten, Mikey made Sanzu to spy on her for a year or so, just to be sure she isn't there spying on them or a future traitor. And in that time Sanzu slowly but surely was falling in love with her, every move she made was mesmerizing. He sometimes can't believe he found her annoying for having to spy on her but he eventually fall deep in love in her. And only Mikey knows how much Sanzu begged him to pair y/n with him this time. Sanzu was neither a hard or easy man to get but you definitely have to caught his attention to make him notice you. But y/n never did something special and she meet him only a week ago but because he lost a bet with the Haitani's and Sanzu didn't want to repay them, the brothers started talking behind his back, words that also made their way to y/n ears which he wasn't pleased about.

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