14 - Forever One (AFO & OFA)

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Idea: Izuku and AFO fight to the death, resulting in AFO giving his son his quirks, in the end, telling him to take over, and peacefully joining the vestiges in his mind.

"No one will be able to separate us now, my precious emerald. For we are Forever One


I hope you enjoy it and feel free to like and/or comment!


// Update //

So I may or may have not added more to the idea.. uh... I am so (not) sorry-  

(Also- I am sorry for the long wait, I was forced to watch One Piece from start to finish) 


TW: Major Character Death, Heavy angst,  "slight" Manga Spoilers  :)

You have been warned.


Heavy smoke and ruse filled the air as it ever so slowly pressed down on the lungs of the young heroes in training while they worked on pulling the last few civilians out of the rubble of what was once a part of Kamino. The entirety of the area around the hospital, which Shigaraki had ruthlessly disintegrated after his awakening, was left in ruins and ashes, dozens of innocent lives taken by the sheer wave of destruction he had brought.

The heroes fought bravely against the onslaught of villains alongside the unfolding chaos but in the end, it just wasn't enough. Dozens of injuries and casualties occurred as well as the destruction of many homes due to the battle, which was still ongoing in the demolished landscape close to where the hospital once stood.

Scorching hot flames raged over the broken-up city as Dabi clashed with his younger brother Shoto, each of them trying to come out on top and reach their goal. Civilians cried at the devastation around them as Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, and Koda, along with a few others, continued their desperate mission of evacuating everyone to safety. Panicked screams rang through the trampled-down forest as Momo and her group sobbed in despair at the loss of their teacher. Choked breaths rattled from Tokoyami's chest as he shakily clutched the unconscious and burnt body of Hawks close to him, all the while Dark Shadow loomed protectively over them.

They were scared, exhausted, and utterly drained from everything they had gone through and witnessed within a single day. And the students weren't even told anything about the upcoming war, to begin with- They had no idea that everything around them would start to crack and break down the second they were paired in "patrol groups" with other heroes. And now seeing the endless chaos and loss of innocent lives from the Frontlines? It scarred them deeply. 

None of them would ever be able to fully recover from this traumatic day.

In the center of the raging war stood two 1-A students, out of breath and covered in blood, bruises, and grime as they glared down at their opposing foe. "MIDORIYA! BAKUGO! LEAVE THIS TO US AND GET OUT OF HERE". Aizawa barked hurriedly at his students as he leaned on Manual and another pro hero for support, his leg having been broken in a fight minutes before. 

Aizawa's eyes blazed a dangerous red while he struggled to keep them open. Manual was there to help him clean them with his water quirk but he wouldn't be able to hold himself any longer. Izuku knew this, he had calculated, estimated, and seen firsthand what the limits of his homeroom teacher were. This situation was getting worse by the second, yet both he and Bakugo determinedly held their ground, ready to defend their teacher from Shigaraki's onslaught of attacks.

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