Chapter Seven

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Noah's POV
The pies not that bad, but her face still scrunched up in disgust when she took a bite. I grabbed a spoonful to prove such a point.

"Oh shit, this is worse than last night,"

"I was wondering how you guys ate an entire slice," she says glancing down at the pie in question.

"Guy, that shits gross as hell why didn't you head my warning," James says walking unhappily into the kitchen with the egg I notice he's holding it with a piece of cloth.

"Also it turns out it does not consistently keep it 95 degrees it just turns its self off once it gets too hot." he says placing it gently on the table, "I'm surprised you didn't notice it screaming,"

I look at the egg distastefully. He laughs at me.

"Oh right James, I came here to ask you if you wanna go see a movie with me or something," she says accent thick and nervous.

James eyes are bright and excited, but than he looks at me and his happiness dims.

"I would love to but Julia, I don't want Noah sitting home alone, plus the egg-"

"No it's okay I'll stay home and watch Meg, you go," I interrupt.

He smiles. He had obviously not really wanted to stay home, but more he felt obligated.

"Thanks man I owe you," he says bro patting me, "Let me just change and we can take
Casp-" he starts but Julia shakes her head fearfully.

"No I'm good let's take my car," she says, she pulls out her keys.

There it is, every single one of James keychains. He notices it too.

"Jules, is that my keychain?" He asks confused, "I lost it like last week,"

"No you didn't," she says cheerfully, "You gave it to me,"

He obviously doesn't recall giving it to her.

"Are you sure, I don't think I did."

"You did," she says her smile faltering, "You're overreacting, just because you forgot something doesn't mean you should blame it on me," She says angrily.

"You know what you're probably right, it's fine," he say sadly.

She guides him outside and they get into the car.

I sit down on the couch and think more deeply about how Julia was treating him, I don't think he did give her his keychain. When he was younger he collected them despite not having any keys and was incredibly stingy with them.

I realize now that I could legitimately just check the cameras, I walk to the camera monitor and scroll to the footage from last week, and sure enough, after some digging I see Julia at James house at around four in the morning, I press play on the fuzzy clip.

The camera is showing her coming up to the door, but she doesn't knock or ring the doorbell she instead walks to the left of the porch.

She doesn't break the window-instead she prays the screen out, and quietly sets it off to the side.

I realize he usually keeps quite a few windows open relying on the screen to keep people out, but it didn't really occur to me till now that's probably not the most safe thing.

About twenty minutes later she crawls back out carrying the key chain.

I walk away and grab my phone cord so I can download the footage. Once the process is done I try to view it on the system again but it doesn't work- Oh fuck I forgot that this was an older system. It's only on my phone now.

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