Chapter Twenty

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Noah's POV
James was barely suppressing the fear in his eyes. I squeezed his hand trying to comfort him but I must of been doing a worse job of suppressing my fear cause he smiled soothingly at me and pulled me closer to him.

The empty silence didn't last long before it became hushed murmurs of opinions on us. I don't see why it was their business.

"You guys are actually so cute together though," some girl said, a brief flash of recognition flashed across James face, "I never took James to be-" She flailed her arms around trying to get across the notion of gay without saying it.

"He was always so into sports," James looked taken aback.

"He's right here," He mutters irritably.

"You on the other hand Noah, I could guess,"

We push past the girl and continue to breakfast to grab some food so we can head to James practice.

We get the same kind of treatment in the cafeteria. Sean gives dirty looks at anyone who looks at us funny Albert smiles supportively all of my friends give me two confused thumbs up. A lot of James friends are staring at him with absolute disgust.

Sean switches tables for the day and sits with my friends and James joins us. He's sinking into my hoodie like he's trying to disappear.

I rub his back and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"You were gone for three days Noah, and you catch the guy you have been pinning for since you were like six,"

"I have not been pinning for him," I say to Hannah.

"Yes you were," Emma says.

"You fucking set us up," I point accusingly in her direction.

James is completely observed in his own conversation, but he's still leaning happily onto me. He's speaking animatedly waving his hands about the topic and occasionally leaning forward before leaning back onto me.

I feel myself smile of my own accord.

"Would you look at this."

We all look around trying to figure out who the voice is coming from and, surprise, surprise Julia is standing right there.

"Julia I'm going to get a fucking restraining order, you hacked my fucking instagram," James says holding my hand tightly

She rolls her eyes.

"Relax, I'm here to finish a deal," She gestures at Sean with a bored demeanor.

"Actually,I think I'm okay," Sean says after a moment of hesitation, "You're skankyness is not doing it for me now that we're in broad daylight,"

James looks shocked, and I am too but not for the same reason: Sean can be witty?

Julia scoffs pretending like she doesn't care but the confusion and irritation is clear on her faces.

"Enjoy your virginity," Sean's face goes bright red. James stands up in protest dragging me with him.

"Julia we both know damn well that he's not a virgin,"

This is about to become a whole thing that I really can't be bothered with not today. I lean over and whisper in his ear.

"Football practice is in like two minutes, you're not gonna want to be late to this one,"

He turns to me the angry look from people fucking with his friends still on his face. He looks at me and decides to agree, flicks off Julia, and storms out like a minute before we have to leave.

Sean, Albert and, two other guys follow. The rest of the team look on with not even bothering to hide their disgust.

James mutters a long string of curse words squeezing my hand tighter and tighter with each one.

"Love your grip is mighty tight," I say through clenched teeth.

"Sorry," he loosens his hand from mine.

They go to the field and do some drills. I sit watching admiring the determination on my boyfriends face as he does the drills. While I'm admiring him it occurs to me that we left the chicken at home. I face palm but I'm not frustrated enough to stop watching the show and call his mom to come bring it to us it.

The rest of the guys come out to the field and they decide to do a practice thing, from what I can tell it's very similar to just normal football, except less people and against your own team.

The rest of the players girlfriends sit next to me. They all look at me at once and for a second I'm scared they're gonna be douche bags. However, all previous delusions are dismissed when they start chanting.

"One of us, One of us, One of us," The volume and tempo increased until the entire football team was staring at us. James hands fall to his knees as he dies of laughter.

The football guys look pissed, at least the ones who abandoned us. I consider shrinking to avoid further embarrassment, but decide that's not worthy. Instead I blow a kiss to James.

The girls clap and cheer, some of the guys fake a gag some of them just avert their eyes.

Some guy actually had the balls to call out:

"You didn't do this with Julia?"

Of course the girls all turned their glare on him.

"A, she was not and never will be one of us, she's a manipulative whore," One says, I believe she was the initiator of the chant, "And B, she never came to a practice, and embraced us like he did,"

The guy stutters- speechless.

Once practice is finished James turns to me.

"How was it?"

"Great show, a little disturbed that I think I just got inducted to a cult," I say pulling him into me but then regretting it when he smells awful. I gag on his usual sweet scent mixed with sweat.

"Oh you don't like that," he hugs me engulfing me in the nasty scent.

"What is wrong with you I laugh,"

He kisses me, he even taste like sweat. Our moment is quickly Interrupted by a teacher.

"No PDA in the halls,"

We separate and head to our classes.

Two things one something I forgot to mention earlier I'm pretty sure is that I've never seen a fault in our stars I read the Wikipedia page and listened to the fact someone I know cried for two hours after it was over.

On top of that since I'm at my dads house I completely forgot he actually purchases me raspberries when ever i see them so I them almost all the time and I'm ecstatic.

Wait last thing this is American football.

That's all

Byyyyyeeee <3

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