Chapter Seventeen

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Noahs POV

I could tell James was mentally exhausted from that fiasco. I grab his hand and trace circles on the back of his palm. He glances at me.

"Do you mind turning on the radio?" He laughs tiredly, "My hands are full,"

I do, and the radio plays soft music, its barely audible so I turn it up, that didn't help in the slightest, now instead of the soft lull of some unknown song we get static with a rhythm. He laughs as I scramble to turn it down.

"Why does it do that?" I say shrinking away from the radio to the best of my ability in the cab. 

"It didn't have wire connecting it to the antenna so when I replaced it I had to use old wires and since I don't have a lot of money to spend on well insulated sturdy wire I used a little bit of metal wiring," He answered with a shrug.

"Is that not gonna be dangerous?" I asked mildly concerned.

"A little but I have the insulation coming in the mail,"

Why does he not just buy a car that doesn't to kill him? 

He laughs and pulls into a McDonalds drive through.

"What do you want to eat, spicy chicken sandwich?" he guesses pulling in.

"Yeah?" I say startled he remembered.

 I guess I shouldn't be that surprised because I know that he liked the chicken sandwich too. He used to order the spicy one but he has never liked spicy food, he was just doing what I did. 

"Can we share a sprite?" He asks breaking me out of my thoughts, I nod.

He orders our food and adds a medium fry to each of our orders. Once we get our food I go to grab a fry but he swats my hand away.

"If you get crumbs in my car your life will be short, I don't wanna have to kill you so soon,"

He says with a sarcastic smile. I laugh nervously knowing he's only half joking.


Once we arrive home we walk into the house and sit at the table. I grab a fry and steal a sip of sprite. We fall into easy conversation and have a unusually quiet evening, actually at one point this generally would be considered quite eventful. It's sad that we don't really have the time or ability to spend a day quietly together. It'd be nice to sit and play video games for a day, no parties, no stalkers, no doppelganger. 

"You wanna watch a movie after?" He says taking a sip of sprite.

"What movie?" I ask like I'm gonna say no.

"I don't know," He says.

"Sure we'll figure it out," 

We end up deciding on a fault in our stars because it was the first thing we saw.

It was a mistake.

A horrible awful mistake.

James is now sobbing into my shoulder while I cry into his head. His sobs are broken by jagged gasps of air. He'd thrown the remote across the room earlier. I wipe my tears away to hide the fact I was crying as hard as him.

"Who willingly subjects themselves to this,"  I say wiping some of James snot off my shoulder.

"Who creates this," He says, "They want people to suffer,"

 We stand up tear stained, we wash our faces removing the majority of the absolute agony from our face. and than settle into the covers of his bed. 

We cuddle together and I press a kiss to his forehead he smiles contentedly and lifts his lips into mine. 

A flash comes from the giant window in front of his bed. He tears away from the kiss, he'd seen it too. He opens the window harshly Julia is squatting beneath it looking at her phone withe her friend. 

"I'm filing a fucking restraining order," He says throwing his hands up, "Delete that fucking photo," 

Julia laughs like the crazy bitch she is, her friend is just standing there in shock. 

"I already sent it out," My phone dings. James snatches it out of my hand. 

"You heinous bitch," I shout. 

Its a great picture both of our faces are shown clearly happy to just be with each other after such a chaotic day. Julia's friend is pale. 

"Oh my fucking god I'm so sorry," she mutters. 

"Shut the fuck up Hailey," Julia says.

"How would you feel if they outed us?" Hailey asks fearfully. 

"I'm not fucking gay, someone slashed my fucking tires and I needed someone to drive me,"

Halieys eyes filled with tears. James smiles sympathetically at her. 

"It's alright Hailey," I say comfortingly.

"But you James after reassuring me you were straight over and over again are now kissing men," 

Its surprising that our phones didn't immediately blow up, but it doesn't matter because it is now it was ding after ding after ding.

I grab his before he has a chance to read them and over think them. His messages and Instagram DMs are filled with a mixture of slurs and support. Once the notifications stop flowing I chose the message from Liam to show James, he was surprisingly supportive. 

I show it to James but I also made the mistake of letting him hold the phone ans he swipes out and is greeted by an abundance of slurs and some support. His eyes are wide and afraid theres at least three threats to key his truck.

He sits on the bed shock running through his veins. Tears drip down his face.

"If you get back with me I'll claim it was all photoshop,"

"Shut the fuck up," James says calmly, the scary calm that makes you think hes gonna kill someone.

I walk over and gently set my arms around his shoulders he leans into me. I don't look at my messages because I know i need to stay strong for him for now. He's gone through so much.

"It's alright love, we've got this," I say soothingly.


Sorry for the shorter chapter, I'm grounded so the updates might be a little father apart. I'll make sure to do more than one chapter a day so I'm about to prepare my self for a bunch of all nighters. Also the second i finished this chapter the internet went out so its a little late.

Thats all.


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