Chapter Nine

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Noah's POV

"Yeah, no shit," James says angrily.

"Well it could have been worse," I say and it could have. We could have been yelled at for underage drinking.

"Like us having to cuddle shirtless- Oh wait never mind we did that," He crosses his arms, "Oh- I could learn my girlfriend has been stalking me for a month- Wait no we did that too,"

He's pissed, I open my mouth to console him but he storms out of the room. I hear multiple slams probably the windows, and a scream. I rush down stairs to be greeted by Julia trying to climb through the window.

"WHAT THE FUCK." James shouts.

"Lo siento, solo estaba- solo- solo- no lo sé." She starts still half in the window.

"I don't want your justifications- I'm breaking up with you, and if you come near my house again I'm getting a restraining order," He states angrily.

She crawls awkwardly back out the window.

James looks so tired, I embrace him, bringing him tightly into my chest, he looks skeptical for a moment before relaxing into the hug.

"I liked her," He mutters into my chest.

"I know," I whisper into his hair, it smells strangely like apple pie.

My shirt starts to dampen, and I hear him whimper, I feel like he really wouldn't have done this last week, he wouldn't have let his guard down, or let me get this close.

"What shampoo do you use?" I ask trying to get a laugh, "You smell nice,"

He looks up at me, with a stare that says, 'That is a hella weird question'.

"It's some weird brand, it's supposed to be scentless?" He says confused.

Well that makes it slightly weirder-

"Well why don't we go to that pizza place, the one next to Publix, I don't think we ate dinner." I say to change the subject.

He nods placing his face back into my chest.

"Can we walk there?" He asks, "I don't wanna drive and you're not allowed to drive my car."

"But that's like a twenty minute wa-" I start but falter when he pouts, "Okay, lets go."

It takes five minutes for him to regret his decision, and he starts dragging his feet. I roll my eyes and try to ignore it, I fail, and pick him up, he flails until I grab his thighs firmly. It really reminds me of when we were kids, we'd walk pretty damn far but then he'd refuse to walk anymore. It's especially funny now, because he claims hes athletic. I laugh at the thought.

"What," He says grumpily.

"Look at us," I say chuckling.

A car slows down to meet us. It's the same cop from before.

"Oh my fucking god no." James mutters.

"So I thought you guys weren't dating," He says once he rolls down the window.

I notice the name on the tag.

"Oh- The fabled boyfriend," I say raising an eyebrow. Officer Reed blushes.

"W-what does that have to do with anything," He stutters. "Where are you guys headed," He says instead, "I'll give you, a ride."

I kinda want to reject it- though I'm not sure why, but James accepts it first.

"That one pizza place," He says guiding my shoulders to the car, I reluctantly walk over to it, "The one by Publix,"

"That's incredibly vague, you're lucky I live around here." He says while I kneel and toss him off my back and into the car. I shoo him into the other side of the car and slide in next to him.

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