Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I don't feel like I'm gonna be completely happy with this chapter
Noah's POV
This can't be real. James likes me back. Football James, Player James, Adorable James, Secretly overprotective James- Could be mine James.

He drags me by my hand into his room after grabbing a glass of water. He feeds the chick on his dresser and I flop comfortably into his bed into. I can't help my self when he lays down next to me.

I start to kiss his temple down to his neck. He makes a soft sound of approval. I suck on the sensitive skin until it's slightly discolored and admire my handiwork. A darkish bruise had formed, I trace my finger over the mark.

"Did you just give me a hickey," he asks with a raised eye brow.

"No," I say.

"Okay,"he says sleepily.

He starts to doze off, cuddled into my shoulder, but I try to stay awake to enjoy every moment of this. He could wake up tomorrow and decided it was a drunken mistake. Oh fuck I didn't even think of that. I pull him closer and stick my face into his hair still flat and uncurled. Eventually I can't stay awake anymore and doze off.

James POV
I wake up with Noah so close to me I can feel his breaths on the top of my head. I check the time and realize we have to leave in around thirty minutes. I wiggle out from his embrace, not bothering to try not to wake him up.

He wakes up mumbling something along the lines of, "fuck off"

I dash to the bathroom and look at my hair, I look like a prepubescent teenage boy. The circles under my eyes are dark. I notice a mark on my skin.

"You dick," I exclaim with mild surprise, "You said you didn't,"

"I lied," he mumbles from my room.

I grab a curling iron and get to work fixing the mop on the top of my head, no shower today. I brush my teeth and get dressed

It's freezing out there, but I don't bother bringing a jacket, we'll be inside most of the day either way.

Noah doesn't get up until we have ten minutes left, he doesn't even brush his hair, just brushed his teeth, and threw on a jacket and a long sleeve shirt, and some black jeans.

Than he turns, with an evil glint in his eye and I can already tell what he's thinking.

"No," I say waggling a finger.

He takes a step towards me, and gently places his lips on mine, which wasn't really what I was expecting. I relax into him, but it must of been to lure me into a false sense of security because he puts a hand on top of my head looks me in the eyes, and ruffles my hair.

"You absolute dick," he smiles down on me in response and kisses me again. An excited gasp comes from somewhere near us.

We both look up at each other with moderate fear for different reasons, I grab his wrist in an attempt to save us from the crazy lady standing in the door frame but she grabs my wrist.

"Mom we're gonna be late," Noah try's to hide behind me but he's not shrinking anytime soon so his neck looks like it's spotting from the top of my skull like a freaky flower.

"Okay, but you better tell me when this started when you guys next see me," she says with a glare.

"Okay, love you, bye,"  I say quickly running out of the room dragging Noah behind me.

Lucy's (James mom) POV
My husband emerges from his spot behind me.

"You saw that too," I say happily, "I believe you owe me twenty bucks,"

He smiles at me in a way that lets me know he doesn't actually mind and throws the money at me.

"Did you already know," I gasp, "did I just get tricked into winning?"

"Lucy, we both knew that no straight kid had that much of an obsession with that actor, uh- Dominic Sherwood," My husband laughs.

"But he was fucking girls?" I question, "We both heard it,"

"Darling you especially know that bisexual people are real," he says raising an eyebrow, "On top of that, you've met his friends these days,"

James and Noah run through the door. Noah's bright red and a little worried.

"I forgot the fucking chicken," James says frantically, not seeming to notice the state of his- prospect?

"LANGUAGE," I call after him.

"Oh please like you weren't just talking about my sex life," he says once he had grabbed the chick, "Can a guy get no privacy in this house."

"Nope," I say cheerfully.

Noah's POV
Even once we get to school I can't get what his mom said out of my head, "he was fucking girls"

He decides to skip going to breakfast entirely and straight to the football field. I decide to follow him because why not.

I don't often get to watch him play, only game days, but when he does you can tell he enjoys it, and that he's insanely good. When he was little he said he wanted to be play football but I never gave it much credit. He was scrawny and particularly unathletic. I always humored him though. I would of fainted if I'd saw what he'd become. Hell I'd probably of fainted if I saw what I've become.

Someone walks up behind me and sticks something on my back, I turn around to see what it is when I see Emma with a grin. She presses a button and a light jolt courses through my body.

"James," I call when I see he's taking a water break, "get your ass over here,"

He runs at us once he's closer I can see the sweat glistening on his body. The usual parade of girls whistle while he jogs over to us. He waves and laughs.

"He was fucking girls"

"What?" He asks in a good mood from the exercise.

"Emma just shocked me,"

"You called me over here for that," he looks around, "Where is Emma?"

She was creeping up behind him with her shock machine. I incline my head in her direction but it was too late, he jumps at the shock.

"Damn it, I thought you'd thrown that away," he says rubbing the place she just shocked him.

Emma laughs.

"So what happened when I left?" Emma asks waggling her eyebrows suggestively. James blushes bright red.

The bell rings sounding the end of break time and saving me from that conversation.

"Don't leave me with her," James calls after me. We all head towards our respective classes not all of us consenting.

I forgot this was my book for a moment (mid typing) and read what I just wrote like "Hmmm this doesn't seem like the right place to end it?" So I'm disappointed in my self.

How do you feel about me uploading at 12 am. I find it amusing to upload at that time every upload day.

That's all

Byyyyyeeee <3

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