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The year was 2148. For any out looking eyes, Earth was at it's peak. It had great technology able to cure any injury, and great economic's across all of the state's. But in reality, Earth was slowly dying. Everyday a bit of it got corrupted by humans. All of the chemical's produced every single day little by little makes it more probable that Earth is going to be no more in less than 1000 years.

That's why Casper just hatted Human's in all of their pathetic glory. He grew up alongside 2 older brothers, just watching his planet going up into flames year by year. Had to watch his childhood sweet spot's become littered with trash and covered in oil spills.

From a very young age he became interested in a planet, called Pandora. He read book after book about the beautiful place, and even re-read a book about Pandora's botany. His mother and father were quite surprised about their youngest's infatuation about a planet he knew so little about. But in reality, it wasn't all that surprising.

Now Casper's older brother's, who were both twins, were more apart than you could imagine. The one he was closer with, was actually Jake Sully. Tommy was just as infatuated with Pandora, and just like Casper always wanted to be a scientist, whilst Jake always went after to being a Marine, but Tommy (in Casper's humble opinion) focused more on his work than he ever could his family, and that might be one of the reason's the raven grew so close to Jake. He at least spent time with him.

But even if Casper did enjoy Jake's company more than Tommy's, he still made sure the twins knew he loved them, and made sure to support each one whatever their dreams were. His mother once told him that he cared too much. But for Casper, caring shows that you have compassion. That you have something, that makes you Human.

Whilst Jake was the one to always have time for Casper, it was Tommy who helped the raven head in his study's. The youngest always wanted to be apart of the Avatar program. To get your own Avatar and explore the land that is Pandora was Casper's dream and only wish as he attended High School. Tommy, being way older, finished the program, getting a spot to be in the Avatar program as well as becoming a great scientist. Casper always looked up to him, and studied way harder then Tommy ever could. With this much effort put in, he was the youngest member to have finished the course, and that also gave him a place in the program. A lot of people were quick to protest, having Casper only be 18 as he finished his studies, but since his efforts excelled even Tommy's, the doubt's were quickly dropped and he was welcomed into the program with semi-open arms.

About the same time Tommy finished his studies, Jake became a great Marine. However, a terrible tragedy ensued. Whilst on one of the mission's, somebody shot Jake right into the spine, paralyzing him from the waist down...forever. That also meant that Jake was excused from his duties. The last time Casper ever saw his brother, was right before his second year of High School. Jake didn't talk for a week, and the time he did it was a goodbye. To Casper's relief Jake did text him after a week of complete silence, and they have been texting none stop. The same couldn't be said about Tommy and Jake. It was no wonder the two really did love each other, but Tommy was just way too focused on the program to ever think of Jake these days, or Casper on that behalf.

Whilst it was true Casper worked at the same place as Tommy, his position was still lower. Whilst his brother worked with the other scientist about the Avatar's and other things considering Pandora, Casper was called in when he either had to be checked on for the program, or taken DNA from. This made it easier for Casper to meet up with Jake, and just talk about things after his leave from their family home. Jake was the only one Casper ever spoke to these days. He didn't have any friends to begin with, since most of the kids despised him for being a 'smart ass', and he just didn't have anytime for relationships. Tommy was always busy, their father was too engrossed with his work to ever even say 'Hi' to his youngest, and their mother was just so proud of her 'only scientist son', that she rarely paid attention to the younger with just as a brilliant mind.

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