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The year was 2154. It has been five years, nine months and 22 days after they had boarded the ISV Venture Star. It felt like time had stopped itself. You don't age as much, you don't get thirsty, hungry. Your just there, floating, until you are woken up.

Casper slowly blinked his eyes open, looking all around himself at the blue case he was closed in. If he was awake, that meant they have finally arrived. 

Casper patiently waited for himself to be pulled out. Soon enough his case was opened up, making him slide out. The black haired male looked all around himself as a man, dressed in an all white uniform, floated up right above him.

"How are we feeling?" the male asked as he checked Casper over, looking if he was okay.

"A bit hungry and thirsty, but besides that I'm fine" Casper answered with a polite smile, making the male above him smile and nod, floating off to check after another person.

"You've been in cryo for 5 years, nine months and 22 days. You will be hungry. You will be weak. If you feel nausea, please use the sacks provided by your convenience. The staff thank you in advance" A male announced, his voice ringing all around them as he moved along all of the pods, checking up on everyone that still seemed out of it. 

Casper made quick work of his restraints, and floated twords his locker, which is also where he met up with his brother Jake. Casper smiled at the ex Marine, going to open his locker which was right next to the older's "How you feeling Jake?"

Jake snickered, pulling out a water bottle out of his locker "I've been better. How about you?"

Casper quickly collected his things, getting a water bottle for himself. "As good as I could be, being that I had just woken up" he replied. Jake snickered at his answer. The two brothers stuck together as they were handed their clothe's, and lead out onto a plane.


Casper and Jake sat side by side, swaying from time to time dew to the planes movement. They were now in Pandora, flying through it's luscious forest's and beautiful scenery's. Oh how Casper wished to get a better glimpse from above.

The two siblings just sat there in their own thoughts, when one of the military personal ordered them to put on their exo-packs. "Exo-packs on! Let's go! Exo-packs on! Exo-packs on! Let's go!"

Casper quickly pulled his mask on, and looked over to see if Jake had his own on. When he saw that he did, he leaned back into his seat and listened forth to the instructor. "Remember, people, you lose your mask, you're unconscious in 20 seconds, you're dead in 4 minutes! Let nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report"

Casper rolled his eyes at the last statement and turned on his oxygen in the mask, providing safe access into Pandora. The plane lightly shook as they finally landed.

"Harness off! Get your packs! Put it together, let's go! Let's go!" The instructor once again ordered, making everyone quickly take their harnesses off. 

Jake and Casper however only sat in their place's as every other soldier stood. The instructor ordered them to go straight to base when the ramp got down. And just as the ramp landed, every soldier took off running twords the base. 

With no one but the instructors and leading soldier's left in the plane, Casper finally stood up, tossing his backpack over his back. He quickly turned to Jake, and helped the ex Marine put his own backpack on, seeing as he was already on his wheelchair.

"Everything alright? You have everything?" Casper asked as he looked around Jake.

Jake snorted and swatted Casper's wondering hands away, proceeding to move forward, followed by Casper "I didn't forget anything, Mom

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