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It quickly turned to night as Casper and Jake walked through Pandora's jungle. Jake made himself a spear along the way, Casper deciding to just stick to his dagger. Jake, along the way, decided it would be a good idea to create himself a torch. So he wrapped his thin jacket around the blunt end of his spear and dipped it in some tar.

Casper walked to Jake's side, his brows furrowed as he wearily looked around. At that same time Jake lit the tar up, and swung it around, making a bunch of small Viperwolf's present. Casper instinctively backed away, crouching down on the ground to be eye level with the things whilst Jake kept the spear in front of himself, swinging it around.

Casper really didn't understand why he even knelt down, he had no reason too. And he also didn't understand the weird feeling he got when the thought of killing one of them came to mind. He shook it off. He kept close to the ground as he and Jake backed away from the Viperwolf's, Casper making sure his dagger was drawn in front of himself. 

Not long later the duo had no more place to run to. They were surrounded by the creatures. Now Casper all but pressed himself into the ground as Jake swung his lit up spear around, trying to make the Viperwolf's back off. But they didn't. They circled them, clearly ready to pounce. 

Casper, mentally, was prepared for a fight. And as Jake encouraged them to do something, they pounced. Right at him. Casper just watched the creatures go for Jake, but as he stayed glued close to the ground, like that he stayed, watching another Viperwolf jump Jake's way, only being stabbed by the sharp end of the spear. The Viperwolf walked right past him, and only threw him a small glance and a wicked snarl, before sprinting to jump onto Jake, knocking the taller over. 

It was like Casper was frozen in place. His pupils blown wide as he watched his brother fend for his life, whilst he stayed in his spot, Viperwolf after Viperwolf just skipping by him. It couldn't of been he was smaller, food is food for these creature's. I guess he seemed threatening? If you call having a dagger drawn right up to his face, a crouched position which looked as if he would jump on anything that attacked him would count as threatening. 

The only thing that brought Casper back to his feet, was the arrow that got shot into one of the Viperwolf's that attacked Jake. A Na'vi women came jumping out of the bushes, yelling out a battle cry as she shot one more Viperwolf, landing on her feet before she hit another with her bow. Casper watched in awe as she fought, looking to have no trouble with the creature's. But at the same time he couldn't help but cringe everytime those creature's got hit. They were just trying to find themselves food, right? Sure it was them in this case, or more like Jake, but it was in their nature. 

It wasn't long before all of those left alive turned tail and ran away. She kept hissing at them until they weren't in sight anymore, and then she turned around. She covered her view from the burning light from the spear, hissing at how bright it was. She took it in her hand, and turned to the water. Jake protested for her not to, but she did it anyway. He turned to her, arms to his side's in a 'what-the-fuck?' gesture, but she just took a glance at him and ignored him.

She instead hurried over to the Viperwolf she shot from earlier, it's cry's of pain still ringing out. Casper couldn't help but slowly walk after her, his eyebrows creasing in sorry for the creature. She knelt by it, one knee placed on it's neck. She mumbled something in Na'vi Casper was too far to understand, and then she stabbed it right into the heart, putting it out of it's misery. Her eyes were almost shimmering with tears, or maybe that was just the light around them. 

Casper was slow to kneel by her side, weary of her anger right now. They were the outsider's here. Her head stayed looking to the ground, before she snapped it to look at Casper, yet her angry glare didn't really seem to phase him. He knew why she was mad. "I'm sorry you had to do that. Me and my brother got lost. We didn't mean to cause harm"

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