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They didn't ride long. Casper did feel a tad bit sorry for Jake, the other having to run whilst he was carried there. But he didn't say anything either. Tsu'tey rode in first, his riders following. He stopped his horse, and skillfully climbed down. When his feet hit the ground Casper decided that it was okay for him to climb down too. So he copied Tsu'tey's movements as much as he could, landing on the ground without much effort. The taller looked a tad bit impressed, but he didn't say anything. He pushed Casper forward by keeping his hand on his lower back. 

He stopped him and moved himself to stand at the front in front of a male, his riders keeping an eye on Casper. Not long after Jake came in, his skin glistening with sweat. The natives ogled them, and Casper couldn't help but keep his head down. He didn't like attention. Jake was stopped next to him, and the women moved forward. "Father, I see you" she told the man, nodding his way.

He moved from his place beside Tsu'tey, and walked past the women to look at the two outsiders. Casper raised his head back up, afraid he would disrespect the other by keeping his gaze down. Jake threw him a nod, whilst Casper didn't move. He didn't think he had the right to.

"These creatures, why do you bring them here?" he asked his daughter, stopping in front of her. "I was going to kill them, but there was a sign from Eywa"

Casper looked her way, his eyes blowing open for a second. She was going to do what now?!

"I have said no dreamwalker will come here" "What's he saying?" Jake whispered to Casper, but he swatted him away. "Their Alien smell fills my nose"

The women stepped just a bit forward "But Father, one of them speaks our language. Understands us" and this the man squinted his eyes, and snapped his eyes the duo's way. Casper stepped a bit forward, his hands behind his back as he nodded the mans way.

The man stepped forward "Speak, dreamwalker" Casper straightened his back. "My name is Casper. Me and my brother got lost. You have to excuse his stupidity, if not for it we wouldn't be here to disturb you"

He hummed going to step closer, the women having to move. She stepped beside her father "He felt sorry for killed creatures. He knew not to thank for their demise" she then threw a very small smile his way "He knows it is nature"

Casper was  flattered by what the women told about him. He felt pride in him. The man stayed quite for a bit, before moving to stand once again in front of the women. "That does not excuse the other one. The dreamwalker that speaks our language may go, but the other one I won't excuse"

"What is he saying? What were you talking about?" Jake whispered to Casper. The younger glanced up at Jake, shrugging "Her father's deciding wherever or not to kill you"

The killing part didn't seem to register in Jake's mind, only that the man that stood before him was the women's father. "You're father? It's nice to meet you, sir" Casper watched as Jake moved from his spot, his hand outstretched. 

Casper tried to grab onto Jake, but he couldn't. The Na'vi took it as if Jake wanted to kill the man. The leader. So they quickly swarmed him, weapons pointed at him. Casper rolled his eyes and moved as close to Jake as possible "You idiot!" he whispered harshly "Do something like that again and they'll kill you! We're outsiders. They think we come with ulterior motive" 

"Step back" a women's voice rung out. Casper looked up from who it came, and he saw the Tsahik. The women who spoke for Eywa. "I will look at these Aliens"

"That is Mother. She is Tsahik. The one who interprets the will of Eywa" the women told in English so Jake could too understand. The Tsahik circled them. "Who's Eywa?" Jake asked.

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