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As soon as he was conscious Tsu'tey pulled him along. He ran quickly, jumping over tree root without having to look, and Casper did his best to keep up. He tried shouting out questions to Tsu'tey, but the older didn't answer. To Casper's relief they finally stopped by the edge of a cliff. 

His chest moved up and down as he cought his breath. Tsu'tey opened his mouth, and let out a sort of chirping sound. It was low and fast, almost unrecognizable as a chirp from first hearing. He did that a couple of times, and then stopped, just watching the sky. Casper too took to watching the sky, and witnessed as a winged figure flew twords them. He glanced twords Tsu'tey, and he wasn't moving, so neither did he.

The creature landed right in front of Tsu'tey, spreading it's wings out, roaring. Now that it wasn't moving, Casper could tell it was an Ikran. Casper had read up all about them, he and Grace had a small conversation about them too. Tsu'tey's Ikran had a navy blue body, with yellow flecks going all around the face, torso and wings. It looked to be male, because of it's bigger size.

Tsu'tey extended his hand twords the Ikran, placing some tipe of meat into it's mouth. "Ikran is no horse. When shahaylu is made-" "The Ikran will fly with only but one Hunter for as long as it lives" Casper cut Tsu'tey off, slowly walking closer. The taller didn't seem to mind the interruption, letting Casper walk closer to his Ikran.

"That is true. This, is Mako, my Ikran. To become taronyu, Issac, you must choose your own Ikran, and an Ikran must choose you" Tsu'tey told the shorter as he connected his queue with Mako, jumping on top of him as the Ikran began to move. Tsu'tey calmed him down.

Casper nodded at the conversation. "All in it's own time, right?" Tsu'tey could only smirk at him. He lowered his forehead piece (which he had the whole time), and leaned back, the Ikran doing the same. Casper ran to the edge to watch Tsu'tey turn Mako around, and the two to go flying through the sky around him, all the while Tsu'tey smirked down at him.

Casper chuckled up at him, shaking his head. "Show off..."


Jake moved the camera so it would face him and Casper, the younger sitting right by his side. He moved his hands away from the camera, and began to speak. "Okay. This is video log 12. Time's 2132"

Before speaking another word he sighed, turning to look at Grace. "Do we have to do this now? The both of us really need to get some rack"

Grace, without looking up from whatever she was looking at, replied. "No, now. When it's fresh"

Casper sighed and turned Jake around, leaning his elbows on the table. "Okay, well our location is a shack. A small station if you will. And the days are becoming harder to distinguish" Jake then patted Casper's hand, making the other quiet down so Jake could talk. "The language is a pain, but, you know, I figure it's like field-stripping a weapon. Just repetition, repetition. Neytiri calls me skxawng. It means moron"

Casper snorted "Because you are one. Whilst your having to be babysat, I'm just le-learning the basic's I have read in the books. The real thing is the best thing. Language isn't a problem. I still have a lot to learn, a lot I still don't know, but at least I'm able to understand what the Na'vi say"


Casper, as he was eating a burrito, watched as Norm tried to teach Jake the meaning of 'I See You'. Even Casper didn't understand it to his fullest potential, but Tsu'tey was pretty patient with him, calls him a quick learner frequently. Casper's pretty sure he'll get it in no time. Norm's attitude and mood has improved too. He finally got over the whole Jake-Na'vi thing, and was pretty happy to hear of their adventures. 

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