¡°_. [15]

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I walked into the control centre, everyone's eyes briefly turning to me as I entered. I narrowed my eyes, looking out the large glass walls at the area around us.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked.

"The Thaldycon system," Coran said. "Looks like there's nothing but a bunch of Zanthorium chunks."

"This can't be right..." Shiro mumbled. "Are we sure this is where the coordinates lead us?"

"This is the location Number 5 gave me," Coran shrugged.

"Hey, my decryption is solid!" Pidge shouted. I narrowed my eyes at the area surrounding us. It was just a large belt of crystals- there didn't seem to be anything notable.

"There must be something we're missing," Shiro decided.

"We should get out of here," Allura contradicted. "We checked it out, but now it's time to move on."

"There must be something more to this- I can feel it," Shiro pleaded. "I think we should wait."

Everyone looked at me, and I blinked. I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes.

"Pidge, what were the exact coordinates?" I asked, "Can you bring them up?"

"Yeah, 'course," she replied eagerly.

The exact coordinates appeared on the large screen. I cocked my head to the side. The coordinates were right in front of us, but they seemed to be inside the crystal belt. I narrowed my eyes.

"The person who helped you escape- did he tell you what these coordinates were for?" I asked, looking at Shiro.

He shook his head, "No... he just said to come here after I went back to Earth..."

"And he was a Galra soldier," Allura interjected. "He brought us to an explosive crystal belt! This is most obviously a trap set by Zarkon."

"Him being Galra has nothing to do with it," I scoffed, then zoomed in on the coordinates. "But this does seem like a trap."

"Thank you!" Allura huffed.

"You too?" He asked, exasperated.

"I'm not willing to risk anyone's life," I shrugged. "We investigated, there's nothing. Maybe this was just some big, overarching plan to get the lions congregated at a point where Zarkon could take them."

"No, I don't believe it," Shiro said, walking over to the control panel next to Coran.

He messed around with the math for some time. The group watched as he highlighted the coordinates, did infra-red scans, and scanned for life forms- or even the presence of a ship. However, his search bore no fruit. He sighed, rerunning scanning and cloak-disrupting sequences. After a few doboshes of watching him ceaselessly try, an alarm rang.

"There's an intruder in the castle!" Coran shouted.

"Of course there is," I groaned, then whirled around and ran toward the door. I activated my communicator. "Let me know where they are."

"How could someone just sneak aboard the ship?" Lance asked.

"Security protocols are different when we're in flight," Coran explained. "Breaking and disruption of systems alert the castle- it takes a lot longer if someone can find out how to sneak in without destroying anything."

"I knew coming here was a mistake!" Allura groaned as I whirled around a corner. I was about to ask for a location again, but she got to it before I could. "There he is! Level five."

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