F o u r

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A few weeks had passed and still no sign of her ex husband, she started to have a little hope that he wouldn't find her, Jerome had popped by with Jacob to hand her another box without the Alpha knowing, luckily he was the pack Doctors son so he spoke with his mother whilst she was with his sister and newly born niece and pieced together what he could for her.

"You'll always be my Luna" He said as he stood watching her suffer whilst taking all the tablets she had too, she was nearly twelve weeks now and was some how doing a lot better.

"How's Ivan?" She asked almost instantly regretting it.

"He's a mess, Amanda has been banished, his searching everywhere for you but luckily your scent is completely different now, I'm even having to take herbs before coming so he can't trace my scent". She was extremely thankful for everything he was doing for her, she knew if the Alpha found out he was aiding her, he would kill him.

"I just wish he waited for me" She whispered as she rubbed her belly.

The boys left shortly after so Eliza could get her rest before the midwifes in the following morning, so she relaxed with a warm bath with candles and soft music, her favourite songs playing on loop as she enjoyed her own company.

She sat on the sofa with a large t-shirt and underwear as there was no one to hide from now, she could be herself freely and not have to worry, her brother even brought her a tv and fixed the electrics in the cabin so she could unwind with her favourite shows.

She was nearly asleep when she heard something outside making her sit bolt up right, that was the one issue with being here alone and being human, she was weak and vulnerable. She rushed to the kitchen grabbing out a large carving knife and began switching off all lights as she hid on the kitchen floor. Footsteps crunching old leaves and twigs moved closer until the stepped up onto her front porch, she tried to hold her breath the best she could but she knew her racing heart would give her away.

'Please go away' She thought to herself as tears threatened to spill, it was times like this she wished she had never left Ivan.

There was a knock, a soft knock at the door but she still refused to move.
"Eliza? Are you in there?" Her heart shattered at the voice, knowing too well who's it was, she covered her mouth scared he'd hear her crying. The footsteps began to leave as she let out a sigh of relief, she watched through the corner of the kitchen window as he walked back into the forest again, she finally felt like she could breathe until her front door busted open making her scream.

Two large men came in with sadistic looks on their faces.
"Oh she's definitely here, I can smell her"
'Please Ivan, come back' She thought to herself as the tears fell harder. As they began to trash the rest of the cabin she crawled into a small cupboard and prayed they wouldn't find her.

Ivan stopped in his tracks as her voice rung through his head.

'Ivan please' He turned around and moved closer to the cabin again, that's when he heard the commotion and headed straight inside, there was no sign of Eliza but the two rouges were still there.

"What are you doing here?!" He demanded in his Alpha tone making them smirk.
"We're allowed" One said as the other laughed.
"We're on no mans land"

'Shit' He thought, they was right.
'All warriors to the cabin two miles out to the north now!' He demanded through mind link. Jerome instantly knowing where he was, ran outside and shifted, ripping out of his clothes and began to run with other pack members on his tail.

"But you know who's here?" The Alpha asked in a dark voice. "Why are you after her?" He demanded.

"Our Alpha wants to see the rejected Mate of the one and only Ivan James" The taller one smirked.
Alpha of rouges? He didn't think that was possible? Rouges don't respect anyone, not even theirselves.

"Over my dead body" He spat out as he lunged for them shifting in the process. Eliza felt mixed emotions one being worry and one being relief. She could never go back to him, but she was thankful he was here to save her.

Jerome and the Beta Andrew soon appeared minutes before everyone else helping their Alpha drag the rouges out of the cabin, Eliza didn't hear anything more after that, just silence, they must of dragged them back to the pack house for interrogation. She finally crawled out of her hiding spot as the tears began to flow freely, her sobs shook her whole body as she held her stomach as tightly as possible. She called her brother to come stay with her that night till she could get the door fixed and of course he was there as quickly as he possibly could be.

"It's okay Eliza" He whispered as he held his baby sister tightly whilst she cried in his arms.

"Why me?" She sobbed. But no one could answer, until the rouges talked Jerome had no information for them, they also questioned how long it would take before the Alpha came back looking for her again, it was only a matter of time.


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